Link to the website:

Venture capital website - WAMM

Preliminary steps

As usual, the first things to do are:

  • moving inside the folder with the terminal (or opening the project with VSCode) and then using:

    npm install
  • To run the project you have to use:

    npm run dev


    npm run dev -- -o

    to automatically open your project in a new tab of your browser.


To make the project work on GH-Pages there are a few steps to do:

  • install gh-pages

    npm install @nuxtjs/supabase --save-dev
  • add the module to the nuxt.config.ts file:

    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      modules: ['@nuxtjs/supabase'],
  • add SUPABASE_URL and SUPABASE_KEY to the .env (for local use):

    SUPABASE_URL="<Supabase URL>"
    SUPABASE_KEY="<Supabase API Key>"


Vercel is connected to your repository. Any time you push something on the main/master branch, Vercel will automatically retrieve the project, build it and deploy it. This is why it's better to have two branches:

  • one for deployment
  • one for development

In general, the command to build the "ready to deploy" project is:

npm run build