
My settings and extensions

Primary LanguageRuby


My vscode configuration:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User
ln -sf ~/GitHub/vscode/settings.json settings.json
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/snippets
ln -sf ~/GitHub/vscode/snippets/javascript.json javascript.json
ln -sf ~/GitHub/vscode/snippets/javascript.json javascriptreact.json
ln -sf ~/GitHub/vscode/snippets/javascript.json typescript.json
ln -sf ~/GitHub/vscode/snippets/javascript.json typescriptreact.json

To run ruby tests in docker containers using docket-compose I use the following script.

It will try to find a service in your docker-compose.yml file called app, api or test and use it to run your tests. Put that script in any folder included in your $PATH and it will work.