This is was a submission to Vanhack for vanhackathon 2019
For instructions for the Backend, please click here.
For the Frontend, you just need to run as a default React app:
git clone
Go to the project directory and use:
npm install
or yarn
After all dependencies are downloaded, use: npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
A lightweight React.js app
The backend api was implemented as a Python simple server with Flask to deal with the upload request and the speech analysis. No login required at this time.
One important part of VanHack process is the English verification process. It needs a real person to evaluate all entries and it can take a lot of time of a small team.
My idea can go 2 ways (or both):
- Using as a tool for the users (Premium only?) to test their proficiency before submitting each video. So they'll know if they've performed well enough to get a good grade.
- As an auto evaluation system for the Staff to reject/approve based on AI and if the machine isn't able to get it right or there's a claim, the Staff can optimize the work.
And that's about it :)