Tic-Tac-Toe TypeScprit + Jasmine

This is the logic implementation of a Tic-Tac-Toe game. It's not bounded to any particular framework so you can plug on anyone.


You can clone the repository or just download the dist folder.

  • When opted for clone run npm install to install dependencies. And remember: there is no UI.
  • But if you opted for the dist, the only thing the project needs is typescript configured.

How to use

This is the basic setup:

const game = Game();
const player1 = new Player('Player', 0, true);
const player2 = new Player('CPU', 1, false);
const cpu = new CPU(1, game.getGrid());
game.start(player1, player2);

function onGameOver (victory: IVictory) {
  if (victory) {
      const message = victory.winner.name + ' win!!!';

game.play(1, 1);

We have three basic objects here.

The player Player:

const player1 = new Player('Player', 0, true);

This object constructor receives the player's name, the play (0 or 1 meaning X or O) and whether it will play first or not.

The CPU:

const cpu = new CPU(1, game.getGrid());
const play = cpu.play();
game.play(play[0], play[1]);

The CPU it's our little robot to play along. The constructor takes the play (0 or 1) and a grid object which is provided by the game object. every time cpu.play() is called it will analyze the grid and make a guess.

The Game:

const game = Game();
game.start(player1, player2);
game.play(1, 1);

Game it's the main object. The function this.game.start takes two players and will reset the game every time it is called. game.play receives an XY coordinate and returns a Boolean indicating success.

Here's a full implementation example: https://github.com/williangaspar/react-tic-tac-toe