This project was initialized using Create React App and modified by Willian R Sabião as a second project of the React Nanodegree of Udacity.
The project is built in React.js and ES6 and redux-thunk.
This project is about a list of posts with title, author, category and vote score. It's possible to create/delete/edit posts and comments inside posts. As well the user can filter by category or sort the posts by score/date.
This project is made to challenge the students to use all the knowledge learned in the classes. This repository includes the code for the backend API Server that you'll use to develop and interact with the front-end portion of the project.
To see the project working:
- Install and start the API server
cd api-server
npm install
node server
- In another terminal window, use Create React App to scaffold out the front-end
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Information about the API server and how to use it can be found in its README file.
This repository is used to study only.