
This time we will create a Java application with Database and Dockerize it!

Primary LanguageJava

Dockerizing an Back End application (using Java)

  1. Use a local Docker or a online service like:
  1. Create a new project or downloading a existing project:
git clone https://github.com/williansmartins/dockerizing-back-end-application.git
  1. Set a Docker file
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine

RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add bash
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/dockerize

ADD  @project.build.finalName@.jar /usr/local/dockerize/

ADD run.sh run.sh

RUN chmod +x run.sh

CMD ./run.sh
  1. Add maven plugin to generate image


  1. Build an image
mvn clean package docker:build
  1. Run a instance of image
docker run -t -p 8000:8080 --name dockerize williansmartins/dockerize-spring
  1. Test your application (access by a expose port)