Pure Python parser for data encoded by .NET's BinaryFormatter
Structures implemented using the documentation available from Microsoft here. Not all of these structures are implemented - just what I've seen in real-life so far. Please open issues against this repo if you encounter NotImplementedError
and can provide a sample buffer.
Searches for embedded byte arrays that begin with MZ
and write them to a file named after their MD5 hash.
λ python scripts/extract_pe.py tests/data/dntojscript.bin -v
INFO:__main__:record 32: found array
INFO:__main__:record 32: found byte array
INFO:__main__:record 32: found PE byte array
INFO:__main__:writing PE to cd040cc16144ff4a91b333f3f0cb06ca.bin
Parse the serialized data and show its structure in a tree-like format.
λ python scripts/show_structure.py tests/data/dntojscript.bin -v
00000000 (6418) SerializedData: SerializedData
00000000 (17) 0: SerializationHeaderRecord
00000000 (01) RecordTypeEnum: SerializedStreamHeader (0x00000000)
00000001 (04) RootId: 0x00000001 (1)
00000005 (04) HeaderId: 0xffffffff (4294967295)
00000009 (04) MajorVersion: 0x00000001 (1)
0000000d (04) MinorVersion: 0x00000000 (0)
00000011 (204) 1: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes
00000011 (01) RecordTypeEnum: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes (0x00000004)
00000012 (68) ClassInfo: ClassInfo
00000012 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000001 (1)
00000016 (35) Name: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder
00000039 (04) MemberCount: 0x00000003 (3)
0000003d (25) MemberNames: VArray
0000003d (09) 0: LengthPrefixedString: Delegate
00000046 (08) 1: LengthPrefixedString: target0
0000004e (08) 2: LengthPrefixedString: method0
00000056 (135) MemberTypeInfo: MemberTypeInfo
00000056 (03) BinaryTypeEnums: VArray
00000056 (01) 0: SystemClass (0x00000003)
00000057 (01) 1: SystemClass (0x00000003)
00000058 (01) 2: SystemClass (0x00000003)
00000059 (132) AdditionalInfos: VArray
00000059 (49) 0: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder+DelegateEntry
0000008a (35) 1: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder
000000ad (48) 2: LengthPrefixedString: System.Reflection.MemberInfoSerializationHolder
000000dd (05) 2: MemberReference
000000dd (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000000de (04) IdRef: 0x00000002 (2)
000000e2 (05) 3: MemberReference
000000e2 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000000e3 (04) IdRef: 0x00000003 (3)
000000e7 (05) 4: MemberReference
000000e7 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000000e8 (04) IdRef: 0x00000004 (4)
000000ec (194) 5: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes
000000ec (01) RecordTypeEnum: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes (0x00000004)
000000ed (137) ClassInfo: ClassInfo
000000ed (04) ObjectId: 0x00000002 (2)
000000f1 (49) Name: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder+DelegateEntry
00000122 (04) MemberCount: 0x00000007 (7)
00000126 (80) MemberNames: VArray
00000126 (05) 0: LengthPrefixedString: type
0000012b (09) 1: LengthPrefixedString: assembly
00000134 (07) 2: LengthPrefixedString: target
0000013b (19) 3: LengthPrefixedString: targetTypeAssembly
0000014e (15) 4: LengthPrefixedString: targetTypeName
0000015d (11) 5: LengthPrefixedString: methodName
00000168 (14) 6: LengthPrefixedString: delegateEntry
00000176 (56) MemberTypeInfo: MemberTypeInfo
00000176 (07) BinaryTypeEnums: VArray
00000176 (01) 0: String (0x00000001)
00000177 (01) 1: String (0x00000001)
00000178 (01) 2: Object (0x00000002)
00000179 (01) 3: String (0x00000001)
0000017a (01) 4: String (0x00000001)
0000017b (01) 5: String (0x00000001)
0000017c (01) 6: SystemClass (0x00000003)
0000017d (49) AdditionalInfos: VArray
0000017d (49) 0: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder+DelegateEntry
000001ae (53) 6: BinaryObjectString
000001ae (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
000001af (04) ObjectId: 0x00000005 (5)
000001b3 (48) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler
000001e3 (81) 7: BinaryObjectString
000001e3 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
000001e4 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000006 (6)
000001e8 (76) Value: LengthPrefixedString: mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
00000234 (13) 8: BinaryObjectString
00000234 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
00000235 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000007 (7)
00000239 (08) Value: LengthPrefixedString: target0
00000241 (05) 9: MemberReference
00000241 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
00000242 (04) IdRef: 0x00000006 (6)
00000246 (21) 10: BinaryObjectString
00000246 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
00000247 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000009 (9)
0000024b (16) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Delegate
0000025b (19) 11: BinaryObjectString
0000025b (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
0000025c (04) ObjectId: 0x0000000a (10)
00000260 (14) Value: LengthPrefixedString: DynamicInvoke
0000026e (01) 12: ObjectNull
0000026e (01) RecordTypeEnum: ObjectNull (0x0000000a)
0000026f (170) 13: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes
0000026f (01) RecordTypeEnum: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes (0x00000004)
00000270 (68) ClassInfo: ClassInfo
00000270 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000003 (3)
00000274 (35) Name: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder
00000297 (04) MemberCount: 0x00000003 (3)
0000029b (25) MemberNames: VArray
0000029b (09) 0: LengthPrefixedString: Delegate
000002a4 (08) 1: LengthPrefixedString: target0
000002ac (08) 2: LengthPrefixedString: method0
000002b4 (101) MemberTypeInfo: MemberTypeInfo
000002b4 (03) BinaryTypeEnums: VArray
000002b4 (01) 0: SystemClass (0x00000003)
000002b5 (01) 1: PrimitiveArray (0x00000007)
000002b6 (01) 2: SystemClass (0x00000003)
000002b7 (98) AdditionalInfos: VArray
000002b7 (49) 0: LengthPrefixedString: System.DelegateSerializationHolder+DelegateEntry
000002e8 (01) 1: Byte (0x00000002)
000002e9 (48) 2: LengthPrefixedString: System.Reflection.MemberInfoSerializationHolder
00000319 (05) 14: MemberReference
00000319 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
0000031a (04) IdRef: 0x0000000b (11)
0000031e (05) 15: MemberReference
0000031e (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
0000031f (04) IdRef: 0x0000000c (12)
00000323 (05) 16: MemberReference
00000323 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
00000324 (04) IdRef: 0x0000000d (13)
00000328 (144) 17: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes
00000328 (01) RecordTypeEnum: SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes (0x00000004)
00000329 (122) ClassInfo: ClassInfo
00000329 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000004 (4)
0000032d (48) Name: LengthPrefixedString: System.Reflection.MemberInfoSerializationHolder
0000035d (04) MemberCount: 0x00000006 (6)
00000361 (66) MemberNames: VArray
00000361 (05) 0: LengthPrefixedString: Name
00000366 (13) 1: LengthPrefixedString: AssemblyName
00000373 (10) 2: LengthPrefixedString: ClassName
0000037d (10) 3: LengthPrefixedString: Signature
00000387 (11) 4: LengthPrefixedString: MemberType
00000392 (17) 5: LengthPrefixedString: GenericArguments
000003a3 (21) MemberTypeInfo: MemberTypeInfo
000003a3 (06) BinaryTypeEnums: VArray
000003a3 (01) 0: String (0x00000001)
000003a4 (01) 1: String (0x00000001)
000003a5 (01) 2: String (0x00000001)
000003a6 (01) 3: String (0x00000001)
000003a7 (01) 4: Primitive (0x00000000)
000003a8 (01) 5: SystemClass (0x00000003)
000003a9 (15) AdditionalInfos: VArray
000003a9 (01) 0: Int32 (0x00000008)
000003aa (14) 1: LengthPrefixedString: System.Type[]
000003b8 (05) 18: MemberReference
000003b8 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000003b9 (04) IdRef: 0x0000000a (10)
000003bd (05) 19: MemberReference
000003bd (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000003be (04) IdRef: 0x00000006 (6)
000003c2 (05) 20: MemberReference
000003c2 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000003c3 (04) IdRef: 0x00000009 (9)
000003c7 (50) 21: BinaryObjectString
000003c7 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
000003c8 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000011 (17)
000003cc (45) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Object DynamicInvoke(System.Object[])
000003f9 (04) 22: MemberPrimitiveTyped
000003f9 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberPrimitiveTyped (0x00000008)
000003fa (01) PrimitiveTypeEnum: 0 (0x00000000)
000003fb (02) Value: 0x00000000 (0)
000003fd (00) _eof:
000003fd (01) 23: ObjectNull
000003fd (01) RecordTypeEnum: ObjectNull (0x0000000a)
000003fe (09) 24: ClassWithId
000003fe (01) RecordTypeEnum: ClassWithId (0x00000001)
000003ff (04) ObjectId: 0x0000000b (11)
00000403 (04) MetadataId: 0x00000002 (2)
00000407 (38) 25: BinaryObjectString
00000407 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
00000408 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000012 (18)
0000040c (33) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter
0000042d (83) 26: BinaryObjectString
0000042d (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
0000042e (04) ObjectId: 0x00000013 (19)
00000432 (78) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
00000480 (13) 27: BinaryObjectString
00000480 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
00000481 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000014 (20)
00000485 (08) Value: LengthPrefixedString: target0
0000048d (05) 28: MemberReference
0000048d (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
0000048e (04) IdRef: 0x00000006 (6)
00000492 (32) 29: BinaryObjectString
00000492 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
00000493 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000016 (22)
00000497 (27) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Reflection.Assembly
000004b2 (10) 30: BinaryObjectString
000004b2 (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
000004b3 (04) ObjectId: 0x00000017 (23)
000004b7 (05) Value: LengthPrefixedString: Load
000004bc (01) 31: ObjectNull
000004bc (01) RecordTypeEnum: ObjectNull (0x0000000a)
000004bd (5130) 32: ArraySinglePrimitive
000004bd (01) RecordTypeEnum: ArraySinglePrimitive (0x0000000f)
000004be (08) ArrayInfo: ArrayInfo
000004be (04) ObjectId: 0x0000000c (12)
000004c2 (04) Length: 0x00001400 (5120)
000004c6 (01) PrimitiveTypeEnum: Byte (0x00000002)
000004c7 (5120) Value: 4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0000b80000000000000040...
000018c7 (00) _eof:
000018c7 (09) 33: ClassWithId
000018c7 (01) RecordTypeEnum: ClassWithId (0x00000001)
000018c8 (04) ObjectId: 0x0000000d (13)
000018cc (04) MetadataId: 0x00000004 (4)
000018d0 (05) 34: MemberReference
000018d0 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000018d1 (04) IdRef: 0x00000017 (23)
000018d5 (05) 35: MemberReference
000018d5 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000018d6 (04) IdRef: 0x00000006 (6)
000018da (05) 36: MemberReference
000018da (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberReference (0x00000009)
000018db (04) IdRef: 0x00000016 (22)
000018df (45) 37: BinaryObjectString
000018df (01) RecordTypeEnum: BinaryObjectString (0x00000006)
000018e0 (04) ObjectId: 0x0000001a (26)
000018e4 (40) Value: LengthPrefixedString: System.Reflection.Assembly Load(Byte[])
0000190c (04) 38: MemberPrimitiveTyped
0000190c (01) RecordTypeEnum: MemberPrimitiveTyped (0x00000008)
0000190d (01) PrimitiveTypeEnum: 0 (0x00000000)
0000190e (02) Value: 0x00000000 (0)
00001910 (00) _eof:
00001910 (01) 39: ObjectNull
00001910 (01) RecordTypeEnum: ObjectNull (0x0000000a)
00001911 (01) 40: MessageEnd
00001911 (01) RecordTypeEnum: MessageEnd (0x0000000b)