- 3
PyPI has an outdated (1.3.1) release
#107 opened by dnso86 - 3
Mention OS support?
#99 opened by hadess - 6
Support Wine registry
#106 opened by KOLANICH - 1
- 2
Parse all hives and retrieve json
#101 opened by garanews - 1
Add docs to release
#95 opened by fabaff - 3
- 2
Website doesn't work
#92 opened by mgedmin - 2
Provide new release?
#91 opened by mika - 2
Long RegBinary value cause str(bytearray)
#89 opened by Tiaonmmn - 2
Large hives can take up large amounts of memory
#75 opened by dhagrow - 1
List comprehension syntax error in usage
#87 opened by nrwall - 1
AttributeError: 'VKRecord' object has no attribute 'data' when reading SOFTWARE registry
#85 opened by passwordleak - 4
Unknown Type Exception (Unknown VK Record type 0x12, 0x13, 0x19 ...) and Unicode Errors
#84 opened by bitranox - 1
- 5
- 1
[feature request] explaination to do a basic search replace on key/value/name traversing all the registry
#78 opened by WiliTest - 2
s = s.decode("utf16") - UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-16-le' codec can't decode bytes in position 20-21: illegal UTF-16 surrogate
#77 opened by wit0k - 5
Return None instead of raising Exception
#76 opened by 3ev0 - 0 has errors when running
#74 opened by charliepaks - 2
- 3
Can't read "Current Version\\Run".
#69 opened by MariasStory - 14
Custom value types
#62 opened by msuhanov - 2
- 3
- 5
Breaking changes for 2.x release
#63 opened by williballenthin - 6
- 15
Infinite loop on circular registry
#57 opened - 0
Unhandled UnicodeDecodeError error handler
#54 opened by zrweger - 0
- 1 - catch UnicodeDecodeError
#52 opened by hiddenillusion - 5
- 1
- 2
Implementing checksum
#40 opened by NiKiZe - 9
Is up2date?
#38 opened by NiKiZe - 2
[Feature Request] .reg as backend to Registry
#43 opened by NiKiZe - 3
- 1
- 5
Include BCD registry type
#34 opened by tonycpsu - 5
- 0
- 0
- 1
#25 opened by williballenthin - 2
Python3 compatibility
#23 opened by 3ev0 - 1
- 0
Some REG_SZ keys not decoded
#22 opened by williballenthin - 0
- 0
NKRecord returns classname as raw bytes
#17 opened by williballenthin - 0
VKRecord.has_ascii_name() may print debugging message to stdout when called
#20 opened by williballenthin - 1