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Brigade Noisy Neighbor

Brigade Noisy Neighbor emits events (noise) into a Brigade 2 installation's event bus at a configurable frequency. This is useful for applying load to a Brigade 2 installation for testing purposes or to gain operational insight.

Brigade 2 itself is currently in an beta state and remains under active development, as such, the same is true for this add-on component.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started.


An operational Brigade 2 installation is a prerequisite.

Note that Brigade Noisy Neighbor is only compatible with the beta series of Brigade 2 releases.

If necessary, please refer to Brigade 2's own getting started documentation for guidance in fulfilling this dependency.

Once Brigade 2 is operational, create a service account for use by Brigade Noisy Neighbor:

$ brig service-account create \
  --id brigade-noisy-neighbor \
  --description "Used by Brigade Noisy Neighbor"

This command will display a token that Brigade Noisy Neighbor can use for authenticating to the Brigade 2 API server. Take note of this value. It will be required in subsequent steps and cannot be retrieved later through any other means.

Now grant the service account permission to create events from the github.com/brigadecore/brigade-noisy-neigbor source:

$ brig role grant EVENT_CREATOR
  --service-account brigade-noisy-neighbor \
  --source github.com/brigadecore/brigade-noisy-neigbor

Installing Brigade Noisy Neighbor

For now, we're using the GitHub Container Registry (which is an OCI registry) to host our Helm chart. Helm 3 has experimental support for OCI registries. In the event that the Helm 3 dependency proves troublesome for users, or in the event that this experimental feature goes away, or isn't working like we'd hope, we will revisit this choice before going GA.

To install Brigade Noisy Neighbor, begin by pulling the chart from GCR and exporting it to some location on your local system. Here, we export it to ~/charts:

$ helm chart pull ghcr.io/brigadecore/brigade-noisy-neighbor:v0.1.0
$ helm chart export ghcr.io/brigadecore/brigade-noisy-neighbor:v0.1.0 -d ~/charts

Use the following command to extract the full set of configuration options from the chart. Here we're storing a copy at ~/brigade-noisy-neighbor-values.yaml:

$ helm inspect values ~/charts/brigade-noisy-neighbor > ~/brigade-noisy-neighbor-values.yaml

Edit the configuration (~/brigade-noisy-neighbor-values.yaml in this example). At minimum, you will need to make the following changes:

  • Set the value of brigade.apiAddress to the address of your Brigade 2 API server. This should utilize the internal DNS hostname by which that API server is reachable within your Kubernetes cluster. This value is defaulted to https://brigade-apiserver.brigade.svc.cluster.local, but may need to be updated if you installed Brigade 2 in a different namespace.

  • Set the value of brigade.apiToken to the service account token that was generated earlier.

Install Brigade Noisy Neighbor, referencing your edited configuration:

$ helm install brigade-noisy-neighbor ~/charts/brigade-noisy-neighbor \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace brigade-noisy-neighbor \
  --values ~/brigade-noisy-neighbor-values.yaml \

Subscribing to Noise Events

The Brigade Noisy Neighbor should almost immediately begin emitting events into your Brigade 2 installation's event bus. This will have no real effect, however, unless any projects are subscribed to those events.

Here is an example project definition that subscribes to such events:

apiVersion: brigade.sh/v2-beta
kind: Project
  id: noisy-ned
description: Noisy Ned subscribes to events from the Brigade Noisy Neighbor!
  - source: brigade.sh/brigadecore/brigade-noisy-neighbor
    - noise
      brigade.js: | 
        const { events, Job } = require("@brigadecore/brigadier");

        events.on("brigade.sh/brigadecore/brigade-noisy-neighbor", "noise", async event => {
          let job = new Job("sleep", "debian:latest", event);
          job.primaryContainer.command = ["sleep"];
          job.primaryContainer.arguments = ["5"];
          await job.run();


Besides subscribing to noise events, this project definition also embeds a brigade.js script that will handle such events with a single job that sleep for five seconds.

Submit this project to Brigade:

$ brig project create -f path/to/noisy-ned.yaml


The Brigade project accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. The Contributing document outlines the process to help get your contribution accepted.

Support & Feedback

We have a slack channel! Kubernetes/#brigade Feel free to join for any support questions or feedback, we are happy to help. To report an issue or to request a feature open an issue here