Django Packages helps you easily identify and compare good apps, frameworks, plugins, and other types of packages, using comparison grids.
- Comparison grids with wiki-like editing capability
- Add packages to grid
- Add/edit grid features
- Storage of package info, fetched from public APIs
- PyPI
- GitHub
- BitBucket
- GitLab (coming soon)
- Basic search
- Autocomplete packages/grids
- Social features:
- "I use this" button
- Latest packages featured on homepage
- "Add package" and "Add grid" forms
For detailed installation instructions, consult the docs.
To download, install and start the local server for development, simply run:
git clone
cd djangopackages
cp .env.local.example .env.local
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Then point your browser to http://localhost:8000 and start hacking!
If you are running into conflicting port issues, we have an override file which re-maps Django (port: 18000) and Postgres (port: 45432). To activate it, simply run:
cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
To run tests, run:
docker-compose run django pytest
The documentation is hosted at
The code is open-source and licensed under the MIT license.
For Django Dash 2010, @pydanny and @audreyr created Django Packages.
They are joined by a host of core developers and contributors. See