
Wecahty Plugin for Authing

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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POC Example: https://github.com/Authing/wechaty-authing-poc


Params: WechatyAuthingConfig | ManagementClientOptions

Ref docs: https://docs.authing.cn/v2/reference/sdk-for-node/


import { WechatyAuthing, type WechatyAuthingConfig } from 'wechaty-authing';

const config: WechatyAuthingConfig = {
  userPoolId: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
  secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxx'

const authing = WechatyAuthing(config);

protected client

Returns: ManagementClient

Which is an Authing SDK client

protected createAuthingUser(contact: Contact): Promise<User | null>;

Create a Authing user

Params: Contact

Returns: User | null

getPoolName(): Promise;

Get Authing User pool name

const authing = WechatyAuthing(config);
await authing.getPoolName(); // '我的企业'

filterAuthingUsers(contacts: Contact[]): Promise<ContactsFilterResult>;

Batch check users exists from Authing

Params: Contact[]


type ContactsFilterResult = {
  registered: Contact[];
  unregistered: Contact[];
  fail: Contact[];

createAuthingUsers(contacts: Contact[]): Promise<ContactsOperationResult>;

Batch create users to Authing

Params: Contact[]


type ContactsOperationResult = {
  success: Contact[];
  fail: Contact[];

deleteAuthingUsers(contacts: Contact[]): Promise<ContactsOperationResult>;

Batch delete users from Authing

Params and Return values are same with the create function.

bindAuthingPhone(contact: Contact, phone: string): Promise;

Create or update a authing user with Wechaty contact and phone


  • Contact
  • string

Returns: boolean

checkPhone(phone: string): Promise;

Check if user with the phone number exists in Authing

Params: string

Returns: boolean

bindPhoneContact(phone: string, contact: Contact): Promise;

Bind Wechaty contact to a Authing user by phone number


  • string
  • Contact

Returns: boolean

checkEmail(email: string): Promise;

Check if user with the email exists in Authing

Params: string

Returns: boolean

bindEmailContact(email: string, contact: Contact): Promise;

Bind Wechaty contact to a Authing user by email


  • string
  • Contact

Returns: boolean


getAuthingGender: (gender: any) => string

Convert Wechaty ContactGender to Authing Gender format

import { getAuthingGender } from 'wechaty-authing';

getAuthingGender(contact.gender()); // ContactGender.Unknown --> U

getContactId: (contact: any) => string

Get Valid Contact ID

import { getContactId } from 'wechaty-authing';

getContactId(contact); // weixin or empty string

arrayDiff: <T = Contact>(arr: T[], diff: T[]) => T[]

Array Set Difference

import { arrayDiff } from 'wechaty-authing';

arrayDiff([contact1, contact2, contact3], [contact2, contact3, contact4]);
// [contact1]


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