Python core developer, PSF Fellow, Jupyter core developer, PyLadies mentor @python | @jupyter | @jupyterhub | @ipython | @nteract | @pysplash
Willing ConsultingSan Diego
willingc's Following
- acharapkoUniversity of New Hampshire
- alexcrichton
- asg017Los Angeles, California
- davidhewitt@pydantic
- dmontaguPydantic
- dzhulgakov@facebook
- econdense
- ecosyste-msUnited Kingdom
- esntBrigham Young University
- femtotraderFrance
- hachyderm
- holgerbrandlhttp://systema.com/
- hudson-trading
- inesFounder @explosion
- isabela-pf
- jd@Mergifyio
- JuliaPlutoGreece
- jupyterhealth
- kierisi@pyOpenSci
- lattnerBay Area, California, USA
- LautaroParadaVolatile Valuations
- lwasser@pyOpenSci
- nebari-dev
- niledatabase
- NixtlaUnited States of America
- noteable-ioUnited States of America
- palewireReuters
- pyOpenSci
- RDFLib
- simple-repository
- trixi-framework
- twieckiPyMC Labs
- wolfvprefix.dev GmbH
- zmitchell@flox
- zotroneneisinovex
- zthArizon