
Set up Hasura and PostgreSQL and populate it with a schema

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hasura Infrastructure in a Box

This repo uses Pulumi to instantiate and manage a PostgreSQL + Hasura development environment in Docker. It will create a PostgreSQL instance and database, run the migrations for your schema, then boot up Hasura against that database.

Getting started

First Create a Pulumi account and install the CLI - then:

pulumi stack   ## Create a new stack that we'll install against

pulumi config set hasura-infra:pguser MyCoolUserName
pulumi config set --secret hasura-infra:pgpass OmgASekritPassword!


Using Hasura

hasura-infra is set up to use Hasura's built-in migrations framework for PostgreSQL - this is super great, because it means that as you create tables and relations using the UI, instead of modifying your production database, it will write out the migrations for you to the db directory. To get started, run:

script/hasura console

When you're ready to apply these migrations to another environment (say production, or staging), run:

pulumi stack select my-prod-stack

What Else Can I Do

Now, we can do a few things - first, run an instance of pgcli


ana@localhost:ana> \l                                                                                                      
| Name         | Owner   | Encoding   | Collate    | Ctype      | Access privileges   |
| ana          | ana     | UTF8       | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | <null>              |
| postgres     | ana     | UTF8       | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | <null>              |
| ruhe-f8ebb58 | ana     | UTF8       | C          | C          | <null>              |
| template0    | ana     | UTF8       | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/ana              |
|              |         |            |            |            | ana=CTc/ana         |
| template1    | ana     | UTF8       | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/ana              |
|              |         |            |            |            | ana=CTc/ana         |

\c ruhe-f8ebb58

ana@localhost:ana> \c ruhe-f8ebb58                                                                                         
You are now connected to database "ruhe-f8ebb58" as user "ana"

ana@localhost:ruhe-f8ebb58> SELECT * FROM "Users";                                                                         
| id   | name   | email   | createdAt   | updatedAt   |

Production Mode

This repo also contains a production-quality build of this setup, using Microsoft Azure. To run it:

pulumi stack init  ## Create a non-dev stack

pulumi config set hasura-infra:pguser MyCoolUserName
pulumi config set --secret hasura-infra:pgpass OmgASekritPassword!

script/bootstrap --prod

To find where your Hasura server ended up, run:

eval `script/env.sh`
echo "Your Hasura installation is at $HASURA_URL"