Extensions to allow Safari to auto form-fill passwords via KeePassHTTP.
TODO write some useful stuff.
- Select the 'releases' tab
- Download the latest release of passafari.safariextz
- Double click the file, or drag it into the extensions window in the Safari settings.
- Installed! Test it out, it should begin working immediately.
TODO write some useful stuff.
- Hostname & Port: TODO write some useful stuff.
- URL-Format: TODO write some useful stuff.
- Submit-URL-Format: TODO write some useful stuff.
- Language: TODO write some useful stuff.
- Associate with KeePassHTTP
- Retrieve credentials
- Support for single match
- Support for multiple matches
- Add new credentials
- Use password generator on empty password
- Support where none matches
- Support where one or more matches
- Update existing credentials
- Use password generator on empty password
- Support where one matches
- Support where more matches
- Settings for hostname and port
- Setting for language
- I18n support
- Translate into german
- Fill-in password
- Forms with one password field only
- Forms with two password fields only
- Setting for host-only URL on add/update
- Setting for protocol-host-path-only Submit-URL on add/update
- Setting for auto-submit after fill-in
- Auto submit form after fill-in
- Setting for auto fill-in
- Auto fill-in credentialson page visit
- Thanks to SlowAES for aes.js, cryptoHelpers.js and jsHash.js
- Thanks to pfn/passifox for keepass.js
- Thanks to webtoolkit.info for utf8.js
- Thanks to eligrey/l10n.js for l10n.js
- Thanks to stackoverflow.com for clone.js
- Thanks to FortAwesome/Font-Awesome for some icons
- Thanks to mstarke/MacPass for MacPass.app
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request