Introduction: ------------- FreeDC++ -DC++ клиент основан на исходном коде LinuxDC++ Изменения смотрите в Changelog.txt, Changelog-svn.txt Dependencies: ------------- scons >= 0.96 pkg-config g++ >= 3.4 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10 gthread-2.0 >= 2.4 libglade-2.0 >= 2.4 pthread zlib libbz2 libssl libgnome libnotify >= 0.4.1 libboost libminiupnpc Compiling: ---------- $ cd /path/to/freedcpp $ scons PREFIX=/path/to/install Installing: ----------- # scons install Running: -------- $ freedcpp Uninstalling: ------------- To uninstall FreeDC++, simply delete the directory you installed it in. To uninstall using scons, run: $ scons -c or if you used scons to install into the file system then use the same scons command that you used to install and add the option -c: # scons -c install License: -------- GNU GPL Version 2 See License.txt for details. Contact: -------- Website: