
Este proyecto emplea Java para la lógica de programación y utiliza una API de Exchange Rate para obtener tasas de cambio en tiempo real entre diferentes monedas. El repositorio del proyecto está gestionado en GitHub para facilitar la colaboración y el control de versiones.

Primary LanguageJava



Currency Converter This program allows converting monetary values between different currencies using an Exchange Rate API. The application prompts the user to select an option input the value to convert and displays the corresponding result in another currency. It operates within a loop to continuously process conversions until the user chooses to exit. How It Works: Option Selection: Users choose which conversion to perform (e.g. from dollars to Argentine pesos). Value Input: They enter the amount to convert (e.g. 25 dollars). Result: The application shows the equivalent in the selected currency (e.g. 20293.75 Argentine pesos). Setup: Repository: Create a GitHub repository to manage the project. Development Environment: Set up your Java environment as per the provided instructions. Exchange Rate API: Utilize the chosen API to fetch conversion data. Follow the documentation to obtain an API key and configure it within the code.


🛠️ Installation Steps:

1. Clone respository

git clone https://github.com/willor16/Currency-converter.git

2. Execute Main class

run in main class

💻 Built with

Technologies used in the project:

  • JAVA
  • Exchange Rate API
  • JSON

🛡️ License:

This project is licensed under the MIT

Project Screenshots:



