
:crown: :ballot_box_with_check: The easiest way to connect to GOV.UK Verify

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Verify Service Provider

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GOV.UK Verify uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) to securely exchange information about identities. A Relying Party can use Verify Service Provider to generate and translate SAML communication to and from the Verify Hub.

Using Verify Service Provider will make it easier to:

  • connect multiple services with GOV.UK Verify - you only need one instance of Verify Service Provider
  • handle certificate rotations - you can host multiple certificates at a time

You will need to host Verify Service Provider on your own infrastructure.

Using Verify Service Provider is just one part of connecting to GOV.UK Verify. Refer to the technical onboarding guide for more information about connecting to GOV.UK Verify.

See also:



To download and use Verify Service Provider you must:


Download your own copy of Verify Service Provider.


Verify Service Provider comes with a default YAML configuration file called verify-service-provider.yml which you can customise either by providing environment variables or by editing the file directly.

By default the following environment variables are supported:

VERIFY_ENVIRONMENT            # The environment of the Verify Hub to run against - PRODUCTION, INTEGRATION, or COMPLIANCE_TOOL

SERVICE_ENTITY_IDS            # A JSON string array containing the entity id of the service using Verify Service Provider, e.g. '["http://entity-id"]'
                              # If you have multiple services using a single Verify Service Provider you should provide all of their entity IDs in this array.
MSA_ENTITY_ID                 # The SAML Entity Id that identifies the Relying Party's Matching Service Adapter
MSA_METADATA_URL              # The URL to the Matching Service Adapter's SAML metadata.

SAML_SIGNING_KEY              # A base64 encoded RSA private key that is used for signing the request to Verify
SAML_PRIMARY_ENCRYPTION_KEY   # A primary base64 encoded PKCS8 RSA private key that is used to decrypt encrypted SAML Assertions (see "Generating keys for testing")
SAML_SECONDARY_ENCRYPTION_KEY # (Optional - default empty) A secondary base64 encoded PKCS8 RSA private key that is used to decrypt encrypted SAML Assertions that
                              # will be used during certificate rotation events (see "Generating keys for testing")

PORT                          # (Optional - default 50400) The TCP port where the application will listen for HTTP traffic
LOG_LEVEL                     # (Optional - default INFO) The threshold level for logs to be written (e.g. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR)

As Verify Service Provider is a Dropwizard application, you can also configure it with all options provided by Dropwizard.

Generate keys for testing

In order to generate keys for testing, we recommend using OpenSSL.

You can generate a private key by:

  1. generating an RSA key in PEM format
  2. converting the key to base64 encoded PKCS8

Generate an RSA key in PEM format with:

openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x 2048 | openssl rsa -passin pass:x -out key-name.pem

Convert the PEM formatted key to base64 encoded PKCS8 for the config file. Print the key to STDOUT with:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in key-name.pem -nocrypt | openssl base64 -A; echo


To run the application, export your environment variables and start the application with:

./bin/verify-service-provider server verify-service-provider.yml

The application will write logs to STDOUT.

You can check the application is running by calling the healthcheck endpoint with:

curl localhost:{$PORT}/admin/healthcheck


GOV.UK Verify provides prebuilt clients for the following languages and frameworks:

Language / Framework Client Library
node js / passport.js passport-verify

See the API reference for full details of the API.


If you want to make changes to verify-service-provider itself, fork the repository then:





You will need to either have environment variables set as above, or have edited the main configuration file (verify-service-provider.yml), or to pass an argument to this script for the application to start. Available arguments are local-fed for running against a locally running federation (see verify local startup) or vsp-only for using default values to run against compliance tool on the reference environment.

Build a distribution

./gradlew distZip

You can find the distribution zip at build/distributions.

See docs/development for more information about the development of Verify Service Provider, including how to run the application against a local compliance tool and see advanced configuration options.

Support and raising issues

If you think you have discovered a security issue in this code please email disclosure@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk with details.

For non-security related bugs and feature requests please raise an issue in the GitHub issue tracker.


MIT License