
Dynamic Nginx Load Balancing from an Etcd Registry

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Dynamic Nginx Load Balancing for Docker

  • run etcd
  • run one or more copies of this container to act as public entry points/load balancers to your cluster
  • register services to etcd
  • everything works!
    • Nginx notices services and generates a new config
    • it will save ssl certs and use virtual hosts to direct traffic from multiple domains
  • see the docker-compose.yml file for a full example of the containers needed along with some sample web containers

Configure Via ENV Vars

  • NGINX_NAME (required) - so services can determine which nginx lb will balance their traffic
  • NGINX_ETCD_HOST default etcd
  • NGINX_REFRESH default 5000 - rate at which it refreshes from etcd
  • NGINX_DEBUG enable lots of logging output
  • SLACK_WEBHOOK optionally shout on a slack channel when a templated config fails to reload (nginx will keep running with last-good-config). If for some reason, a service manages create a bad config, service discovery will be frozen until the bad registration is removed from ETCD.

Expected ETCD structure:

Services should register in the following format:

      nginx: 'primary' #corresponds to NGINX_NAME
        ssl: true #(optional)
        #(optional) combined .key and .crt file replacing line breaks with \n
        cert: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEogIBAAKCAQEA..."
          1b9d3522da76: ''
          c7c508e915ed: ''
          1b9d3522da76: ''
          c7c508e915ed: ''
      nginx: 'primary'
          1abc3ab1c33: ''
          7dacb15ba5b: ''
  • You can now point test.com, test2.com & api.com DNS to the nginx instances
  • When the Host header is api.com, api upstreams will be served, test.com will serve web upstreams, etc

SSL Termination

  • create a cert
  • concatenate the .key and .crt files
  • replace newlines with \n and copy the output
  • add the combined key & cert into services//host//cert in etcd
  • see here for an example

Slack Integration

  • Before reloading a config, it runs nginx -t to make sure it is valid
  • If a config fails, it will continue using the last-good-config until a working config is generated
  • Add SLACK_WEBHOOK=https://hooks.slack.com/services/T02RK... env var to get notifications when a config fails.