
grab slices of ooni data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A downloader for all measurements meeting a specific citeria in the OONI database.


API Usage

OONIMap presents a stream interface to queries against the OONI data. A basic example looks like:

var oonimap = require('oonimap');
oonimap("www.google.com", null, function (record) {
  if (record.probe_cc == "US" && record.probe_asn != null && record.test_keys.accessible !== true) {
    return [record.test_start_time, record.probe_asn];
}).on('data', function(result) {

CMD Line Usage

Single File

node uncan.js measurement.lz4 google.com

will print all JSON records within measurement.lz4 matching the selector (google.com).

Relevant Environmental Variables: TMPDIR is used for extraction of .lz4 files. If the default temporary directory is not memory backed, consider making a tmp filesystem that is used.

Full corpus

node corpus.js s3-sync/ domains.txt output.txt

Takes in the s3 buckets of OONI data, a list of selectors on input (either return separated, JSON encoded array), and a file where matching / transformed records are output to.