
Learning gPRC with Go

Primary LanguageGo


This a simple project illustrates how gPRC works with Go with server and client implementations.

Project Structure

| - greet/
    | -- greet_client
    | -- greet_server
    | -- greetpb
| - calculator/
    | -- calculator_client
    | -- calculator_server
    | -- calculatorpb

client folder contains code that a server sends requests from. server folder contains code that a server sends responds to requests.


There are few things you'll need to setup to get going:

Install Golang

Install Golang from offical doc

VSCode Setup

  1. Install VSCode
  2. Install VSCode Extensions: vscode-proto3 and Clang-Format

Install protoc

On MacOSX, open a command line and type brew install protobuf

Install gRPC

go get -u google.golang.org/grpc

Generate go code from proto files

The script below automatically generates go proto file based on messages definitions.

run generate.sh file

Start Server

e.g. go run greet/greet_server/server.go

Start Client

e.g. go run greet/greet_client/client.go