Portfolio Website

This is a dark-light contrast website for a portfolio. It is related to being a web developer, but can be edited to be for any type of portfolio. It includes a bit of custom JavaScript for the typewriter effect and uses a script called "Lightbox" for the project modals.


  • Dark and light contrast
  • Responsive design
  • Full height header/hero
  • Background image overlays
  • Typewriter effect in header
  • Lightbox modals for projects
  • Progress bar stats
  • Font awesome icons


This website is built with Bootstrap and Sass. It uses Font Awesome for icons.

In order to customize this website, you need to install Node.js. Then, clone this repository and run:

npm install

This will install Bootstrap, Sass and Font Awesome. To build your CSS files from Sass, run:

npm run sass:build

To watch your Sass files for changes, run:

npm run sass:watch

You can add Bootstrap variables to the bootstrap.scss file. You can look at the file node_modules/bootstrap/dist/scss/_variables.scss for a list of all the variables. Do NOT edit the variables.scss file directly, as it will be overwritten when you update Bootstrap.

To add your own custom styles, use the styles.scss file.