
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository is a collection of Ansible inventory scripts for different scenarios. These scripts are designed to be used in compatible with Ansible Tower.



The SQLite inventory plugin is an example of a simple inventory plugin to read from a SQLite database. In the tests/ directory you will find an example of it's execution. The script expects the schema of the SQLlite DB to be in the form below:

id name ip groups
auto-incremented number inventory_hostname ansible_host comma separated group list

An example of creating and loading data can can be found in tests/sqlite_setup.sh. There are 2 configurable options for this plugin, db_path and db_table

  • db_path: the path to the SQLite DB file
  • db_table: the table within the DB to lookup hosts

Test command ran from inside the tests dir ansible-playbook -i sqlite.yml print.yml

To preview the inventory from the root of the directory ansible-inventory -i sqlite.yml --list --playbookdir=.


The Tower inventory plugin allows you dynamically query an existing Tower inventory. This version adds the ability to specify a parent_group which will restrict the plugin to only hosts that are children of that group. This search is done recursively. Groups structure of each host is preserved. An example can be found in tests/tower.yml.

This plugin required networkx be installed. You may need to setup an Ansible environment to test.

Test command ansible-playbook -i tower.yml print.yml

Tower Cluster

This will return an inventory of the Ansible Tower cluster itself (not user inventory). This is intended as a clean example of interaction with an API. No authentication is required.

ansible-inventory -i tests/tower_cluster.yml --list --export --playbook-dir=.

(this assumes that you have a development AWX cluster running)

You can also try the tests/bad.tower_cluster.yml to see handling of API connection errors.


This is a teaching example for writing inventory plugins. It covers:

  • All the standard stuff
  • Group name transformation issue
  • Specifying secret data via environment variable

Test this all out:

ANSIBLE_TRANSFORM_INVALID_GROUP_CHARS=always BASIC_PASSWORD=foobar ansible-inventory -i tests/basic.yaml --playbook-dir=. --list --export

Try changing the password (as defined by the environment variable) and see the change in output.

Try removing ANSIBLE_TRANSFORM_INVALID_GROUP_CHARS and see how that changes the output. Note that the default behavior is changing within the current development 2.10 release.

Stacked Plugins

Inventory plugins may be "stacked" as described here. These will execute in order they are in the directory specified. It is a good idea to explicitly order using number prefixes such as 00-, 01-, etc. See example in tests/stacked_plugins.

Test command ansible-playbook -i stacked_plugins/ print.yml

Viewing Documentation

The command ansible-doc will not use paths relative to playbooks. You can still use it to view metadata on your custom inventory plugins with additional config settings.

ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_PLUGINS=inventory_plugins ansible-doc -t inventory -l
# oh look, it found my plugin
ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_PLUGINS=inventory_plugins ansible-doc -t inventory basic
# wow, that showed my documentation, so cool


File Tree

The file tree inventory script is intended to use a filesystem hierarchy to describe Ansible groups, children, and nodes. Each child folder will be a a child group. YAML files in found in the folders will be parsed. They are expected to contain lists of nodes. Each "key" will be a group and the nodes listed under each key will be a members of the that group and of the folder. To define variables for the groups or hosts use the group_vars or host_vars directory adjacent to the inventory script itself. For an example, see the tests directory.

Using in Ansible Tower

These scripts may rely on networkx for mapping and traversing the inventory. This library is not installed on Tower by default. To install, follow the below instructions.

  1. Connect to the command line of your Ansible Tower server and elevate to root.
  2. Activate the python virtual environment by running . /var/lib/awx/venv/ansible/bin/activate
  3. Install the networkx package by running pip install networkx


Inventory Report

The inventory-report role will calculate the total number of nodes owned by each organization in Tower and produce an html report. Additionally, it will provide a count of total unique nodes based on inventory_hostname and a variable. The default variable is ansible_host. The quota for unique is defaulted to your total license count. This may or may not match your reported license usage in Tower as Tower only looks at unique hosts based on inventory_hostname. https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/administration/license-support.html#node-counting-in-licenses

You can also provide org quotas and the report will highlight if a specific org has exceeded it's given quota. See report-playbook.yml for an example of how to use this role and set quotas. The report will look like the table below but in a file called report.html in the playbook-dir.

Organization Nodes Quota
Cloud 10 20
Default 33 20
Network Eng 5 10
Network Ops 15 20
Windows 0 N/A
Unix 10 N/A
Unique 73 100

Using in Ansible Tower

  1. Import this repository into your Ansible Tower Server as a project
  2. Create a credentail of type Ansible Tower
  3. Create a job template from the project you imported to run report-playbook.yml
    • Attach your credential to the job template
    • You may over ride the quotas by defining the variable org_node_quotas as an extra variable
  4. Run you new job template!