
Writing my own library in C: a collection of functions that will be a useful tool for my cursus at 42 school.

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📚 42sp - Libft

Libft OS Language Status

The first project of the 42 curriculum. It consists of recreating various standard functions of the language to be used during the course development, since we cannot use the originals. This is a living library and new functions can be added to it, increasing its functionalities. In total, forty-two functions were implemented, they are:

Functions from <ctype.h>

ft_isalnum ft_isalpha ft_isascii ft_isdigit ft_isprint ft_tolower ft_toupper

Functions from <ctype.h> - Functions added after finishing the project

ft_islower ft_isspace ft_isupper

Linked list functions

ft_lstadd_back ft_lstadd_front ft_lstclear ft_lstdelone ft_lstiter ft_lstlast ft_lstmap ft_lstnew ft_lstsize

Non_standard functions

ft_itoa ft_putchar_fd ft_putendl_fd ft_putnbr_fd ft_putstr_fd ft_split ft_striteri ft_strjoin ft_strmapi ft_strtrim ft_substr

Non_standard functions - Functions added after finishing the project

ft_get_next_line ft_printf ft_sprintf ft_ilen ft_isdouble ft_strtod ft_strtoi

Functions from <stdlib.h>

ft_atoi ft_calloc

Functions from <stdlib.h> - Functions added after finishing the project


Functions from <string.h>

ft_bzero ft_memchr ft_memcmp ft_memcpy ft_memmove ft_memset ft_strchr ft_strdup ft_strlcat ft_strlcpy ft_strlen ft_strncmp ft_strnstr ft_strnchr


In your local repository

$ make

To use the library in your code you will need to include the header:

#include "libft.h" 

When compiling your own code with libft, don't forget to use the flags:

to create the objects

$ ... -I path/to/libft.h

to create the exe

$ ... -L path/to/libft.a -lft