If deploying publicly, please make sure to set debug as false and change the secret key found in SFIAGenerator/settings/
or if using Docker, you should edit the debug and secret key settings in the docker.env file
To run without Docker:
Install pipenv:
- Install the pip installer
- From a command line interface, run
pip install pipenv
Creating virtual environment:
- Navigate to the project folder with your command line interface
- Create the virtual environment with
pipenv shell
When doing any of the following commads below, ensure you're in the virtual environment's shell and in the project's root folder
If not in the shell, navigate to the root folder and run pipenv shell
from your command line
Setting up libraries
- While in the shell of the virtual environment, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setting up local SQLite database: The included settings file ( is configured to use a local SQLite file as the database by default
- Run migrations with
python migrate
Running the server
- To run the server locally, while in the virtual environment shell, run the server with
python runserver
Creating superuser
- Create a superuser with
python createsuperuser
and enter details when prompted
Your server is now set up and you can access it by going to http://localhost:8000 or
Installing Docker on Ubuntu/Debian (Easy Method):
If not already in the project directory, change your directory to that of the project with:
cd *project_directory*
Run the docker install script with:
sudo bash
This will install Docker and Docker Compose
Installing Docker on MacOS or Windows: Please refer to the documentation at
To run with Docker:
If not already in the project directory, change your directory to that of the project with:
cd *project_directory*
Run the project with:
docker-compose up -d
The project will now be running on port 80 of your computer meaning you can access it via http:// or if running on docker locally, you can use http://localhost or
Creating a superuser
On a Unix based system, you can use:
sudo bash
On a Windows based system, use:
docker-compose run web python createsuperuser --settings=SFIAGenerator.settings.docker
If unable to use the script on a Unix based system, use:
sudo docker-compose run web python createsuperuser --settings=SFIAGenerator.settings.docker
This will execute a script that will then allow you to insert the login credentials you would like to use
Uploading a JSON to Skills models
Navigate to the admin panel via Staff Login
- Click on 'SFIA JSON files (language)'
- Add your JSON file
- Tick the box next to the JSON file
- Select the Action 'Upload to Models'
- Press Go and wait for it to parse into models
Uploading Core Competencies
Navigate to the admin panel via Staff Login
- Click on 'Core Competencies JSON files'
- Add your JSON file
Uploading Docx Form Templates
Navigate to the admin panel via Staff Login
- Click on 'Docx Form Templates'
- Add your .docx Word file(s)
Full details of how to use the admin site can be found in the admin user guide PDF