Chinese Song Karaoke Web App

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

KTV (Karaoke God)


This is a website to learn and sing along with foreign songs, in lanaguages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish. Search results populate based on any metadata you type into the search bar, like artist name or song title. You can also scroll through the list of songs that appears on the home page. Clicking on a song takes you to a visualization page, displaying PinYin, Chinese characters, and English. Users can choose to automate scrolling as the song plays, see the line numbers, and see the visualizer. To control the audio player, you can press space to play or pause the song, press - for volume down and press = for volume up. Enjoy singing foreign songs! :)

How to Install Locally

  1. Install Git, Node.js, Mongodb, and yarn (yes it's that much better)

  2. git clone "https://github.com/willwen/KTV.git"

  3. cd $KTV/KTV/

  4. yarn install

  5. The mongodb can be local or remote (heroku's mlab server).

    In server.js , we see:

    var mongoURL = "mongodb://localhost:27017/songs"
    var mongoURL = "mongodb://readonly:readonly@ds127872.mlab.com:27872/heroku_0kfm3lp6"

    Choose one link.

    If you chose localhost: add Mongodb executables to your System Path (Windows: computer , properties, advanced system settings, environment variables...).
    cd seed/scripts/
    ./mongod --dbpath ../../data/ - Keep this terminal running for the duration of your development

    Import the songs.json file: mongoimport --db songs --collection songs --file songs.json

  6. If you want to use local mongodb run yarn run dev
    If you want to use mlab (production) mongodb run yarn run perf

  7. In web browser, go to localhost:8080

  8. If you want to do react development (aka mess with the code in webpage/) yarn run webpack
    It will detect any file changes in webpage/* and generate a dist/bundle.js file, which is what index.html uses


Will Wen


Sherry Mei
Eula Zhong
Siqin Li
See also the list of contributors


Please look at LICENSE file for license details