
Seed project for angular apps using ES6

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Travis Standard license

Seed project for angular apps using ES6 and webpack bundler.

This project was tested with the latest version of nodeJS and npm, please make sure you have atleast node.js 5+ and NPM 3+ installed.

Usage & Develop

  • Clone or fork this repository
  • run npm install to install dependencies
  • run npm start to fire up dev server
  • open browser to http://localhost:3000


to create a ready production distribution package of the project please run:

npm run build

after running build the generated files will be available at /dist


This seed is has protractor and karma for end to end testing and unit testing respectively.

Unit Testing

make sure your tests are named with a -test.js suffix then. to run karma simply run:

npm test

End to end Testing

to start protractor tests please run:

npm run protractor