
Automation for building a basic Angular dev environment in a Vagrant VM based on Yeoman Angular Genrator.

Primary LanguageShell


Automation for building a basic Angular dev environment in a Vagrant VM based on Yeoman Angular Generator. The VM is based in a Ubuntu Trusty Server (14.04 LTS) base box, but the provisioning script should work in any Debian-based distribution.

All basic dependencies of Yeoman Generator are installed such as NodeJS, NPM, Ruby, Compass and some NPM packages.

Get AngularDev box

First of all, you need to get your AngularDev base box. If you don't feel like generating your own, you can use the prehosted ones:

AngularDev 32bits:

	vagrant init willyneutron/angularDev32; vagrant up --provider virtualbox

AngularDev 64bits:

        vagrant init willyneutron/angularDev64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox

If you want to build your own AngularDev VM, just run create_box.sh and follow the steps to generate the box from a clean Ubuntu trusty base. This process will take a while. This way you can customize the base box, RAM or net parameters.

After building and customizing the VM, it is possible to package it into a box by running package_box.sh <vm_box_name> <vm_box_package_filename>.box

Start Yeoman Generator

From this point, just connect via ssh and create a project. You can follow a totorial in Yeoman website:



When I try to install some NPM packages inside my VM, NPM freezes or gets killed unexpectedly Your VM is running out of RAM. Add some more in Vagrantfile, at least 1024MB.

When I run my VM it takes forever or get stuck trying to connect via SSH (Warning: Authentication failure. Retrying...) Recheck your net configuration in Vagrantfile. Setting up net as "public_connection" and setting a fixed IP usually solves the problem. In some cases, the VM takes a long time to initialize SSH services, so be patient!