Figma Prototyping VM

Let's build a toy VM inside of Figma Prototyping! This project contains a plugin and most tooling needed to build it.

Live Figma File link HERE!

Figma Proto VM Screenrecord copy

Click here for the full video

I've left the dist folder in the repo so you can try it out without building it yourself. Just load the plugin as a dev plugin and you should be good to go!

Getting started

make should do everything.

  • Installs node dependencies
  • Compiles ELVM with custom changes
  • Combines built ELVM compiler js files into a single file
  • Builds the plugin with typescript


The architecture is mostly based off the ELVM virtual machine with modifications to fit into Figma's constraints. The biggest ones are:

  • Figma variables are floats, so we have to use those instead of integers.
  • Program memory and variable memory stored as Figma variable collections.
  • 6 registers from ELVM + 3 more registers we add for convenience, which we called parameter registers.
  • Other variables as needed to make it work, such as instruction pointer, etc.


First and foremost, all Figma values are stored internally as floats. We can treat these as ints up to a 24 bit value, which should be fine.

Memory is tricky since arrays are not easy to read/write to. To emulate an array, we can use

  • A variable slot for the value being written
  • An index variable
  • One variable per array item
  • One if statement per array item

To keep the number of if statements down, we want to abstract away reads/writes so that we can reuse them as much as we can.

In order to implement the existing ELVM memory, we have:

  • Variable memory: only made as big as practical, just a single-mode collection of float variables read/written by LOAD and STORE.
  • Program memory: read-only memory that stores the instructions in the program, represented a collection of float variables with three modes. Each instruction is a variable, where the first mode is the instruction type (mapped from enum -> int) and the second two are arguments for the instruction. Some instructions need no arguments so they can be left as 0. Note that the instruction set is slightly different from the ELVM set, which will be covered later. (Update: instead of modes, they're now just separate variables ending in _op, _arg1, and _arg2, this is so folks on the free plan can use it, and it seems to have a marginal performance improvement)
  • Register memory: ELVM specifies 6 read/write registers, which we drop the letters for and instead refer to by numerical index. Like variable memory, these are just a single-mode collection of 6 variables.

We also have two new types of memory:

  • Dispatch table: read-only memory that maps program counter value to instruction number. The compiler outputs jumps relative to program counter, which are chunked and can include multiple instructions in a block. However, internally we store and track to individual instructions, which could have different indicies. When we jump, we use the table to convert from pc to instruction index.
  • Parameter memory: This is a set of three registers, p0, p1, and p2 that help with evaluation of instructions. Firstly, they allow us to abstract away the difference between immediate and register values, serving as a holding point for the parameter values before the instruction is run. Immediate values can go directly into the slot, whereas register references can be read into the slot. This increases the number of instructions we need, but overall makes the system simpler, while maintaining overall readability. Secondly, they serve as a kind of working memory that we can act directly on. We can simplify the design of the "ALU" to perform operations on these slots and directly modify p0 as output.
  • Temporary memory: We'll need variables scattered around to hold values every time we read/write from arrays or do any intermediate computation, since we don't have a concept of local variables, function arguments, or function returns.

New instruction set

The biggest hurdle with adopting ELVM is that it expects us to be able to tell the difference between register and immediate arguments. E.g. the same instruction ADD needs to work like ADD a,2 as well as ADD a,b. We don't have an easy way to represent what's a register vs what's an immediate value, as everything has to be a float at the end of the day and we don't have complicated float math or bit masking. We could store a flag, but that would mean using many more modes and hint at nested conditionals, which aren't implement. We could even use different commands for adding immediate vs register values, like ADDR and ADDI. However, this gets out of control with conditional jump commands where there are many more permutations.

The difference between immediate and register types only matters because it tells us where our inputs are coming from. After all, the actual addition doesn't care if its adding register values or constants. Using this insight, we can use three more "parameter registers" to hold the actual values of the parameters before the computation is performed. These values map nicely to the ELVM instruction parameters.

For the case ADD a,2, p0 would be set to the value of register a REG a, p0, and p1 would be set the constant 2 IMM 2, p1. Then the addition is performed on p0 and p1. In fact, we can change the behavior of ADD to take in no argumenst now, and directly modify p0 with the result of the addition as if it were the destination register. Lastly, we would need to copy the p0 result back to register a with RES a

Let's take more complicated example with JEQ a,b,3 for example. We start by populating p0, p1, and p2 with a, b, and 3 respectively: REG a, p0, REG b, p1, IMM 3, p2. Then, we perform an EQ operation, which now just overwrites p0 with the result. We introduce a new primitive, a conditional jump instruction CNDJMP which looks at p0 to decide if we want to jump to p2 or not.

A good way to think of this is that the parameters to a traditional ELVM instruction are instead each listed out beforehand, making the instruction itself perform less work.

Sidenote for addition: due to the float based nature of our variables, we can't rely on adding large numbers to close to MAX_INT when we want to flip the sign bit. We can detect when numbers approach that point and convert those numbers to negatives instead.

P-register instructions (new)

We have new instructions for getting values in and out of the P register. It might seem too small to have a single register copy/write be one instruction, but it helps since array read/writes are by themselves so complicated.

REG src:register, dst:p_register

Reads the value in the src register and stores it in the destination p register.

IMM value:immediate, dst:p_register

Stores the provided immediate value in the destination p register.

RES dst:register

Copies p0, usually the "result" of the operation, to the destination register.

Modified ELVM instructions

Existing instructions are modified to perform computations with the P register.

MOV (removed)

This command actually doesn't exist anymore as it can be completely replaced by p register commands.

For example, MOV dst, src becomes:

IMM src, p0 // Can also be REG
RES dst

This code uses the p registers to first read the source, and then write to the destination.


Computes p0 + p1 and puts the result in p0.

For example, ADD dst, src becomes:

REG dst, p0
IMM src, p1 // Can also be REG
RES dst


Computes p0 - p1 and puts the result in p0.

For example, SUB dst, src becomes:

REG dst, p0
IMM src, p1 // Can also be REG
RES dst


Fetches variable memory the address at p1 and stores the result to p0.

Note that due to the floating point nature of our variables, when a negative address is requested, we just grab from the end of the array.

For example, LOAD dst, src becomes:

IMM src, p1 // Can also be REG
RES dst


Stores variable memory at p0 to the address specified by p1.

Note that due to the floating point nature of our variables, when a negative address is requested, we just grab from the end of the array.

For example, STORE src, dst becomes:

REG src, p0
IMM dst, p1 // Can also be REG


Prints out p0.

For example, PUTC src becomes:

IMM src, p0 // Can also be REG


Reads a character (0 if EOF) and stores it into p0.

For example, GETC dst becomes:

RES dst


Compares p0 and p1 and stores the result into p0

For example, <> dst, src becomes:

REG dst, p0
IMM src, p1 // Can also be REG
<> // Comparator
RES dst


These don't exist anymore, and can be recreated using existing comparators and a new CJMP command.

For example, JXX jmp, dst, src becomes:

REG dst, p0
IMM src, p1 // Can also be REG
IMM jmp, p2 // Can also be REG
<> // Comparator minus the J

Note the order of parameters changes!

CJMP (new)

If p0 is true (!=0) jump to p2.

Check the JXX above for the usage example.

JMP (removed)

This can be implemented pretty simply with CJMP by setting p0 to true.

For example, JMP jmp becomes:

IMM jmp, p2 // Can also be REG
IMM 1, p0 // Set p0 to true

EXIT (unchanged)

Exits the program!

DUMP (unchanged)



Transferring the program

The compiled programs are converted to ints when they are stored in the figma variables. Here's the following conversion table:

Register Value
a 0
b 1
c 2
d 3
bp 4
sp 5
Param register Value
p0 0
p1 1
p2 2
Instruction Value
EQ 11
NE 12
LT 13
GT 14
LE 15
GE 16

For example, REG c, p1 becomes 0 2 1 and IMM 5, p0 becomes 1 5 0. These are the numbers that are stored in the figma variables.

Program state and control flow

Control flow is implemented in Figma Prototyping using a set of frames. You can think of the frames as a giant state machine, and each frame has an "After Delay" interaction set to automatically run prototyping code.

We give each instruction has its own frame, prefixed with INST_, which holds the corresponding logic for that instruction. Since Array reads/writes are complicated, we have dedicated frames for reading Program memory and Dispatch memory reads called PGM_READ and DISPATCH_READ respectively. We also have a helper frame called PGM_EVAL that serves as a giant switch statement and forwards to the correct INST_* frame.

The state of the program starts with the instruction pointer variable, called inst_ptr, which keeps track of which instruction to run next. To begin running the program (and after each instruction), we return here to fetch our next instruction using the PGM_READ frame.


This is the entry point to the program. Using the instruction pointer (inst_ptr), it reads the current instruction from program memory and stores it in three helper variables (inst_op, inst_arg1, inst_arg2). These variables will be later to perform the relevant computation.

After reading, the instruction pointer is incremented for the next read, and the current instruction is evaluated by navigating to the PGM_EVAL frame.


This command checks the current instruction op and forwards it to the relevant INST_XXX frame.


Each instruction has its own frame. It reads the arguments from the instruction register and performs the relevant computation. After the computation is done, it forwards to the PGM_READ frame to read the next instruction.


When INST_CJMP decides to jump, it forwards to this frame. This frame reads the dispatch memory using the p2 register as the address, and sets the instruction pointer to the result. After reading, it forwards to the PGM_READ frame to read the next instruction.

Compiling code

It'd be insane if we could take C code and translate it to a form that we can run with our architecture. Fortunately, there's a project called ELVM that can help us do that. It's built for more esoteric programming languages (that's what the E stands for) which Figma prototypes certainly are. However, since it's a hobby project and not super extensible, we're going to need some hacks to make it work.

The ELVM site provides an awesome web-based demo straight out of the gate, which is amazing. It runs with asmjs, but that makes it much harder to modify since it requires being compiled. If we want to add our own language, we'll need to go in and modify the source code, then re-compile it. Which is actually pretty ok since there's already scripts in the source repo that help us with the compilation.

I originally was going to put my own code in a separate file, but it's just easier to replace the js.c file in the ELVM repo with our own code and re-compile. To automate this, I wrote a makefile to copy the contents of figmaproto.c into the js.c file.

It's hacky, I know, but it does the trick. I also made a script edit_elvm_makefile.js which removes all the other ELVM language targets and makes some modifications so that the build will go smoothly.

The compiled outputs for the web demo, which is basically just runnable js, is then concatenated into a single file by the build_ui.js script and tacked onto the bottom of the finished built ui.html file. It's also super hacky because we can't import any script files from a Figma plugin, so we have to just include it a one giant file. But it works!

Thoughts and future work

By introducing the p-register, we need 2-4x more instructions to perform the same computation. This also means our programs get 2-4x larger. We also get a kind of memory bottleneck because most of the instructions are just moving data in and out of the p registers.

Let's not forget the original motivation which was to make an ELVM compatible instruction target, and this architecture has achieved exactly that. If we were to further mod ELVM or even start from LLVM to make a custom compiler, we could definitely do better. Better still, we could bite the bullet and incorporate more complexity into the Figma prototype to make it more efficient, e.g. having different instructions for registers vs immediates, or having a better way to encode whether a particular value is a register or an immediate.

Also, after having built it out, I didn't realize that having 100's of conditionals inside a Figma prototype would actually take a performance hit, and take way more than a frame to evaluate. Maybe this is something to consider for future work which would take an approach like @willdepue's Figma computer and use a tree based memory access instead of a linear one.