
My personal bookmarks for the CKA and CKAD exams

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My personal bookmarks for the CKA and CKAD exams

The first two actions on the exam are:

Create the following ~./.vimrc

:set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2
:set et
:set autoindent
:set number

Setup the kdo alias

# export alias kdo='kubectl --dry-run=client -oyaml'

Saves time typing:

# kubectl run --image nginx pod --dry-run=client -oyaml > pod.yml`
# kdo run --image nginx pod > pod.yml

General takeaways

  • I created everything done with imperative commands as a file with the tasknumber (q1-pod.yml, q2-svc.yml etc.) Then a k apply -f to test. In practice it saved my a lot of time to be able to do quick edit and tweak. Also when checking your answer when you are done it is nice to have the source still available.
  • v get in Vim select(visual) mode. y is copy. > puts an indent on the selection and with . you can indent the same text again without selecting.
  • Make sure to NOT overwrite a given path in the question. For example save the ETCD snapshot to the homedir and then move it to the given path to avoid saving the snapshot over a file needed for the restore.

Personal favorite bookmark:


Gives ready to use examples and easy to search through all the kubectl commands instead of doing --help each time.