
JWEB2.0 is JWEB part2 invented by wilmix jemin j at JDollarWEB P.L at year 2015

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=========== JWEB2.0 is JWEB part2 invented by wilmix jemin j at JDollarWEB P.L at year 2015


JWEB2.0 is about JWEB part2 of JWEB Programming Language invented by wilmix jemin j at year 2015.

JWEB has userfriendly framework called as


and it has latest frameworks like

JC , Jeb, JShell, JSync, ODollar, Oplus,


JWEB use all these Latest P.L

for mobile and P.L like

JSAUCER with JWEB. SO JWEB is called as

a "SKY Programming Language".

Differences Between JWEB and JSAUCER

when to use?

  1. JWEB is used and it permits it's latest

Frameworks and other native P.L like

C++, .Net, etc.

Hence we call JWEB as an Interactive P.L.

  1. JSaucer never permits and it is used only

with mobile remotewebapplication with

mobile phones like Android.

  1. One who learn JSaucer has depth knowledge

with mobile remotewebapplication.

THE LIST OF Latest Framework and Programming Language belong to JWEB part2 or interact with JWEB

with Merits

  1. JAUF -> Userfriendly and GUI Design

  2. JSLASH -> As a AutoGenerated compiler with in a limited amount of time.

  3. JEEWeb -> used for enterprise

  4. JSHELL -> used with linux

  5. JSYNC -> Async enterprise Programming used with JEEJ$

  6. Odollar -> Simillar to Jdk1.7 features

7)Oplus -> Used in American It sector.

  1. Tdollar -> can be used as a helper Frameworks of JWEB to eliminate JWEB demerits.

  2. Wsharp -> contains shortest statements and utilities

It is the best Programming language which interact with JWEB.

  1. Petal -> It is used with VJAVA, JAVA, WEB professionals

  2. WPLUS -> Attractive Indian latest Programming Language

  3. VSlASH -> SIMILLAR to struts -spring orm Framework

  4. GJAVA -> Used with google P.L

  5. WHTML -> Used with JWEB and HTML

  6. VJAVA -> Simillar to Jdk1.6 Features.

  7. ADollar -> It is used in Advanced Business and A$ is used to interact with WEB.

  8. UWEB => it is an american and U.k Programming Language based on WEB used in American and U.k sector.

  9. BHTML and CSP => it is an Banking Programming Language invented in WEB.

  10. JWebREmote => it is an one minute Automation WEB Advanced P.L for creating remoteserver.

  11. JWebJSLASH => it is an one minute Automation WEB Advanced P.L

  12. SAP =>interaction with sap P.L

  13. PHY=> Interaction with phython P.L.

JWEB2 Advanced Business

JWEB2 is focused on interaction with JSWORD.

Note: Here we use only JDollar.exe and JDollar .dll

  1. JWEB with JAVA7 =======================

JAVA7(OAKJAVA) -J$ is also a part of JDollarPArt2

  1. JWEB with AJAVA8 =======================

AJAVA8-J$ is also a part of JDollarPArt2

Technology code: 22 since 22 latest technologies are most important for solving complex problems.