As a gamer, it's easy to lose track of the latest titles or to forget old favorites. With GAMR, search popular games, gaming news, recent releases, upcoming releases, as well as most anticipated games. GAMR is a FULL STACK application created utilizing Mongo.js, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.

Primary LanguageCSS



  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Web Design By Tripp Parham, Josh Fiason, Clint Gordy, Travis John
  • Published: Wednesday April 25th 2020

About GAMR

  • As a gamer, it's easy to lose track of the latest titles or to forget old favorites. With GAMR, search popular games, gaming news, recent releases, upcoming releases, as well as most anticipated games. GAMR is a FULL STACK application created utilizing Mongo.js, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.


GAMR Image

GAMR Image

GAMR Image

GAMR Image

GAMR Image

GAMR Image

Configuration instructions

  • No configuration necessory
  • Visit the following link to experience GAMR

Installation instructions

  • GAMR works on most main stream browsers using the link above.

Operating instructions

  • New users are able to register or login on the home page
  • Once logged in, the user is presented buttons to select Popular games for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
  • Next in the News section users will be able to view recent gaming news.
  • List of upcoming, most anticipated, and newly released games are at the bottom of the homepage.
  • Clicking game title takes the user to the game page for each individual game.
  • GAMR allows gamers to search and save particular titles of their interest.
  • Gamers can view games in certain genres, as well as have their recent search history saved to their gamer profile

List of files included in the following structure

  • Client
    • package-lock.json
    • package.json
    • README.md
    • public
      • images
        • gamer.png
        • masthead-desktop.jpg
        • masthead-mobile.jpg
        • psds
          • masthead-desktop.psd
          • masthead-mobile.psd
      • index.html
      • manifest.json
    • src
      • index.js
      • Compontents
        • AdvancedSearch.js
        • Footer.js
        • GameDetails.js
        • GameList.js
        • Login.js
        • MainNav.js
        • Masthead.js
        • News.js
        • Popular.js
        • Register.js
        • Screenshots.js
        • SerchForm.js
        • SerchResult.js
        • SearchResult.js
        • Upcoming.js
        • User.js
        • UserProfile.js
      • css
        • bootstrap.css
        • bootstrap.min.css
      • pages
        • Games.js
        • Home.js
        • LoginPage.js
        • Profile.js
        • Register.js
        • Search.js
        • SearchResults.js
      • scss files
      • svg
        • gallery-bg.svg
        • gamer.svg
        • logo.svg
        • nintendo-switch.svg
      • utils
        • api.js ProgressProvider.js
  • models
    • Game
      • cover.js
      • game.js
      • platform.js
      • platformlogo.js
      • releasedate.js
      • screenshot.js
    • Genre
      • genre.js
    • index.js
    • User
      • user.js
    • user.js (Is this a duplicate file?)
  • routes
    • api.js
    • controller.js
  • server.js

Copyright and licensing information


Contact information for the distributor or programmer

Known bugs[0]

  • Yes, there are bugs. This project is still in development.


  • All API calls work in Postman
  • New users are able to register or login on the home page correctly
  • Once logged in, the user is correctly presented buttons to select Popular games for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
  • Next in the News section users are be able to view recent gaming news.
  • List of upcoming, most anticipated, and newly released games are presenting correctly at the bottom of the homepage.
  • Clicking game title takes the user to the game page for each individual game correctly unless API key is expired.
  • Search and save particular titles works correctly.
  • Gamers can correctly view games in certain genres, as well as have their recent search history saved to their gamer profile

Credits and acknowledgments

Special thanks to the Instructors and TA's at the UNC Coding Bootcamp. They are an awesome team! Thank you for all of your instruction!

Change Log

Site Updates

  • Version 1.0.0 Released Saturday April 25th, 2020