
An ontology linking recipes with environmental and ethical information

Primary LanguageHTML

FoodReport Ontology


  1. Go to the Jetty-distribution directory in the repository with a terminal.
  2. Execute the command in your terminal: sudo java -jar start.jar
  3. Go to http://localhost:8080/fuseki/
  4. Go to the manage datasets page of the Jena Fuseki server.
  5. Add a new dataset foodreport
  6. Stop the Jetty server in your terminal by pressing CTRL+C
  7. Open the fuseki data folder (/etc/fuseki/) (on Windows this directory should exist in the root of your drive where you are running Jetty.)
  8. Open the ”databases” directory (/etc/fuseki/databases/)
  9. Inside there is a ”foodreport” directory, open it and delete all the files inside.
  10. Start the Jetty server and check if there are any errors.
  11. Upload the ”foodreport.owl” file (This is the file with no entities) in the manage datasets window of the manage datasets. This file can be found in the repository (ontology/foodreport.owl)
  12. Stop the Jetty server in your terminal by pressing CTRL+C
  13. Open the Fuseki data folder (/etc/fuseki/) again.
  14. Go to the ”configuration” directory (/etc/fuseki/configuration/).
  15. Inside this directory, you should see a ”foodreport.ttl” configuration file. Open this file with an editor.
  16. Replace the code in that file with the code in the file on GitHub configuration.ttl in the root directory. Note that you have to replace the paths with the correct paths on your computer. The paths need to be routed to the foodreport-database.db and the foodreport-mapping.ttl files that can be found in our repository (database/...).
  17. Restart the Jetty server and check if there are any errors.
  18. Try to see if everything works with a query.

Example Queries

This query will give all the ingredients that come from France.

PREFIX ontology: <http://www.foodreport.be/ontology#>
PREFIX data: <http://www.foodreport.be/data#>

SELECT ?ingredient
  ?ingredient ontology:manufacturedFrom data:France

This query will give the total amount of sugar in Spaghetti Bolognese.

PREFIX ontology: <http://www.foodreport.be/ontology#>
PREFIX data: <http://www.foodreport.be/data#>

SELECT (SUM(?sugar) AS ?totalSugar)
  data:Spaghetti%20Bolognese ontology:needsIngredient ?ingredient .
  ?ingredient ontology:sugar ?sugar

This query will give all the steps of the Tomato Soup recipe in the correct order.

PREFIX ontology: <http://www.foodreport.be/ontology#>
PREFIX data: <http://www.foodreport.be/data#>

SELECT ?step
  ?step ontology:describesRecipe data:Tomato%20Soup
} ORDER BY ASC(?step)

This query will give all the ingredients of the Spaghetti Bolognese recipe in the correct order.

PREFIX ontology: <http://www.foodreport.be/ontology#>
PREFIX data: <http://www.foodreport.be/data#>

SELECT ?ingredient
  data:Spaghetti%20Bolognese ontology:needsIngredient ?ingredient

This query will give the average labourScore, environmentScore and trajectoryScore for tomatoes produced in a specific country for a user located in Italy.

PREFIX ontology: <http://www.foodreport.be/ontology#>
PREFIX data: <http://www.foodreport.be/data#>

SELECT ?country (AVG(?labourScore) AS ?averageLabourScore) (AVG(?environmentScore) AS ?averageEnvironmentScore) (AVG(?trajectoryScore) AS ?avgTrajectoryScore)
  data:Tomato ontology:manufacturedFrom ?country .
  ?country ontology:imposes ?law .
  ?law ontology:appliesToFoodType ?foodtype .
  data:Tomato ontology:hasFoodType ?foodtype .
  ?law ontology:labourScore ?labourScore .
  ?law ontology:environmentScore ?environmentScore .
  ?trajectory ontology:trajectoryFrom ?country .
  ?trajectory ontology:trajectoryTo data:Italy .
  ?trajectory ontology:ships data:Tomato .
  ?trajectory ontology:trajectoryScore ?trajectoryScore
} GROUP BY ?country