
Distributional dominance for multivariate distributions

Primary LanguagePython

Distributional Dominance

This repo contains all the code necessary to reproduce the results for the paper "Distributional Multi-Objective Decision Making".


The repo is structured as follows:

  • algs contains two versions of DIMOQ, the algorithm proposed in the paper. The first version implements the algorithm exactly as written in the pseudocode. The second makes a simplification to estimate the returns for the next states more efficiently. In addition, it contains an implementation of multi-objective distributional value iteration.
  • envs contains the environments used in the paper as well as an implementation of the Space Traders environment introduced by Vamplew et al. These all approximately follow the Gym API.
  • distrib contains all code necessary to deal with the return distributions. This includes a multivariate categorical distribution, the dominance relations and pruning operators.
  • utils contains miscellaneous code that is used throughout the repo.

The files in the top level folder run the experiments, pruning, analysis, plotting and tests.


If you use this code or the results in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry:

  url = {TBD},
  author = {Röpke, Willem and Hayes, Conor F. and Mannion, Patrick and Howley, Enda and Nowé, Ann and Roijers, Diederik M.},
  title = {Distributional Multi-Objective Decision Making},
  year = {2023},
  note={Accepted at IJCAI 2023}