Getty Images Connect SDK


As of November 2016, we will no longer be improving or maintaining the language-specific SDKs. The API is still alive and under active feature development. Current documentation can be found at SDK source code remains open source, providing a technology example of interaction with the Getty Images API. We will no longer take pull requests for these repositories, but feel free to fork them for your own modifications.

Seamlessly integrate Getty Images' expansive digital content, powerful search technology, and rich metadata into your publishing tools, products and services!

  • Search for images from our extensive creative and editorial catalogs.
  • Get image metadata.
  • Download files using your Getty Images products (e.g., Editorial subscriptions, Easy Access, Thinkstock Subscriptions, and Image Packs).


  • Ruby version > 1.9.3
  • Bundler version > 1.7.3

Building/Installation Gem Package

[NOTE: Currently not published to, install from local build package.]

The following describes how to create the local gem package for ConnectSDK. The package will be created in the pkg folder in the source code location.

$ cd connect_sdk_ruby/ConnectSDK
$ bundle exec rake install


require "ConnectSdk"

api_key = "Connect API Key"
api_secret = "Connect API Secret"

# create instance of the Connect SDK
connectSdk =, api_secret)
search_results = connectSdk
search_results["images"].each do | image |
	puts "Id: #{image["id"]} Title: #{image["title"]}" 

BDD Features

$ bundle exec cucumber features\authentication.feature -r features_step_definitions\step_definitions\authentication.feature.rb
$ bundle exec cucumber features\downloads.feature -r features_step_definitions\step_definitions\downloads.feature.rb
$ bundle exec cucumber features\ImageSearch.feature -r features_step_definitions\step_definitions\ImageSearch.feature.rb
$ bundle exec cucumber features\images.feature -r features_step_definitions\step_definitions\images.feature.rb


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/ConnectSDK/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request