
Elastic Beanstalk CLI based on Node 14 Alpine

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Elastic Beanstalk CLI Image

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Based on Node 14 Alpine Image


docker run --rm -v "${HOME}/.aws:/root/.aws" -v "$(pwd):/app" wilson208/ebcli

Breakdown of that command

  • -v "${HOME}/.aws:/root/.aws" - Mount stored AWS credentials

  • -v "$(pwd):/app" - Mount current directory into the workdir of that container

Setup Alias

I personally use this by aliasing eb to run this image, I have done that by adding this line into my ~/.bash_profile

alias eb='docker run --rm -v "${HOME}/.aws:/root/.aws" -v "$(pwd):/app" wilson208/ebcli'

After you do this, reload your terminal and then use eb command as normal, e.g. eb create.

Specify Credentials

The above examples show how this container can be passed pre-configured AWS credentials by mounting the ~/.aws directory into the container. Alternatively, the standard AWS environment variables can be used as follows:

docker run --rm -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={ACCESS KEY} -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={SECRET KEY} -v "$(pwd):/app" wilson208/ebcli'