
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilsoncusack/21-lottery/master/play.py -O <target file path>


python3 <targeted_file.py>

How it works:

  • In each round, a random winning bet number is picked between 1 and n, where n is the round size (the round size is twice the size of the last, starting at 10. Ex: 10, 20, 40, 80, etc...)
  • Each hit to the endpoint cost 1000 Satoshi, that money is added to each round's winning pot
  • The winning better received 50% of the total pot, the remaining 50% is rolled-over into the next round's pot


  • Round 1 size: 10
  • Starting pot size: 0
  • Winning bet #: 6
  • Better #6 receives 6,000 Satoshi back (including their 1000 bet being returned)

  • Round 2 size: 20
  • Starting pot size: 5000
  • Winning bet #: 18
  • Better #18 receives 24,000 Satoshi (including their 1000 bet being returned)