This is project aims at establishing a template that most closely resembles the industry standard in regards to configuring the stack and the application of Webpack and modularization (such as CSS modules) to take advantage of the single page nature of Reactjs as intended.

A skeleton for building Python applications on Google App Engine with Flask, React, Webpack and Babel.

Run Locally

  1. Install the App Engine Python SDK. You'll need python 2.7 and pip 1.4 or later installed too.

  2. Clone this repo with
  3. Install Python dependencies in the project's lib directory and install Node dev dependencies. Note: App Engine can only import libraries from inside your project directory.

    cd Flask_React_Gcloud
    pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
    npm install
  4. React-Dom and React create local modules (instead of using CDN)

    npm install --save react react-dom
    npm install --save prop-types
  5. Webpack parts and merge for a degree of abstraction, you can define webpack.config.js for higher level configuration and for configuration parts to consume

    npm install webpack-merge --save-dev
  6. CSS Loader and Style-loader enables CSS updating without full browser refresh

    npm install css-loader style-loader --save-dev
  7. Webpack --watch enables automatic updating of the webpack output file to bypass manual invocation

    webpack --watch
    hit ctrl-c after
  8. Run local server from the command line: .

    Visit the application http://localhost:8080



    And visit the application on http://localhost:5000

See the development server documentation for options when running dev_appserver.


To deploy the application:

  1. Use the Admin Console to create a project/app id. (App id and project id are identical)

  2. Deploy the application with

    gcloud app deploy
  3. Congratulations! Your application is now live at

Relational Databases and Datastore

To add persistence to your models, use NDB for scale. Consider CloudSQL if you need a relational database.

Installing Libraries

See the Third party libraries page for libraries that are already included in the SDK. To include SDK libraries, add them in your app.yaml file. Other than libraries included in the SDK, only pure python libraries may be added to an App Engine project.