
Final Project for IS-211

Primary LanguagePython


Dependencies and Requirements:

  • Python 3.9.1
  • pip
  • flask
  • python-dotenv
  • flask-wtf
  • flask-sqlalchemy
  • flask-migrate
  • flask-login
  • flask-moment


  1. Git clone this repository onto local environment
  2. cd into the repo
  • Run below command to ensure Python 3 environment and download requirements for this application, and not the Python that comes installed with your local machine.
  • $ python3 -m venv env
  • $ source env/bin/activate
  • $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. run in CLI - $ flask run
    Note: ENV variables defined in .flaskenv file already if you want to take a look.
  2. visit on your browser


  1. User is able to register a new account. (You can also use existing account username: wilson, password: password123 if anything)
  2. Existing user/blogger is able to create/edit/delete posts.
  3. Posts are ordered by timestamp in descending order on a user's home page.
  4. Updated posts will appear on the top of all posts.
  5. Supports multiple users and posts keep track of their individual author.