
Govee Smart Heater H7131 Integration for Home Assistant

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Govee Smart Heater H7131 Integration for Home Assistant


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating the Govee Smart Heater H7131 into Home Assistant using the Govee Developer API.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

Integration Steps

1. Obtain Govee Developer API Key

Use the Apply Govee-API-Key instructions to get your API key.

2. Get device ID using Govee Developer API

Make a request to the Govee Developer API to get the list of devices, replacing YOUR_GOVEE_API_KEY with the API key obtained in the previous step.

curl --location 'https://developer-api.govee.com/v1/appliance/devices' \
--header 'Govee-API-Key: YOUR_GOVEE_API_KEY'
wget --no-check-certificate --quiet \
  --method GET \
  --timeout=0 \
  --header 'Govee-API-Key: YOUR_GOVEE_API_KEY' \

3. Configure Home Assistant

Add lines from configuration.yaml, scripts.yaml and secrets.yaml to your configuration files. You should replace YOUR_GOVEE_API_KEY and YOUR_DEVICE_ID in these files beforehand.

4. Restart Home Assistant

Restart Home Assistant to apply the changes made to the configuration.

5. Add a button to the Home Assistant panel


Happy automating! 🏡✨