some utility code that could be useful when using the PeripheralDevice classes
Often applications that use sensors need implementations that are common. Code of this kind I have collected here. So this code is not needed for the Peripheral classes and or otherway around.
For some of the applications it is, mainly because of organizational reasons ( independent developments) it is easier to have a standalone program that readout the sensors and then communicate with the main program.
The MBED platform is an other example where the software to read the sensors is standalone.
So there need some communication. In the past I have used a own ( asci based ) communication protocol. But now I decided to adopt SCPI as protocol.
So there is a library scpi-parser that interpret the SCPI commands and then connect it to an action. The library is based on from Lachlan Gunn for Arduino. I try to keep this much as possible the same. The main difference is that the lib of Lachlan Gunn is using directly the serial interface to communicate while this library use internal a string that then can be return via the chosen communication interface. The footprint of the code in the processor memory will be bigger. This is not a real issue for the Raspberry Py what I only used as target. So not clear what is the overhead for the MBED platforms.
For the moment there are three executables (as example)
The scpitest is a simple program for the parser test. It use the scpi-parser lib and a "application" lib ( scpitest/lib )
The files scpiparser.cpp .h have to move to the scpi-parser lib. But that is not possible for now as these file contains a class while the scpi-parser lib is a c lib (not c++)
scpi_server is a program that listen to a socket, interpret the SCPI commands and responds.
The server uses scpi-parser and the application lib (scpitest/lib)
The cmake file collect all the "lib" objects , defined in the /lib/ directories and put these in the libapplib.a Perhaps not the most elegant way but so it is easy to add programs without all the time make specific rules in the cmake file
This project can be found on github