Based on Davesgonechina's Docker Known container setup, which in itself is based on Eric Hansander's Docker Known container.
This builds a set of containers to run the latest version of Known with one process per container (one container for the data volume, one for the database and one running Apache and the Known PHP application itself).
This fork contains the following changes in comparison to Davesgonechina's original:
- contains an other set of Known plugins (e.g contains Foursquare, but no LinkedIn)
- runs on a Debian base image instead of Ubuntu (this is out of personal preference).
- uses a nginx reverse proxy with TLS through Let's Encrypt
This image used to use MongoDB instead of MySQL, but as the Known developers seem to favor MySQL and some strange errors using MongoDB occured the project switched back to use MySQL (using the official MySQL docker image).
Just run the docker-compose.yml file in detached mode with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
Or alternatively, run the following from the command line:
The data volume container will contain the MySQL database files and the Known uploads directory (for uploaded photos, etc.). Mounting a host directory allows you to rebuild the containers without losing your content or settings.
docker run --name datavolume \
-v your local directory here:/var/lib/mysql \
-v your local directory here:/known/uploads \
-d debian:testing true
docker run --name mysql --volumes-from datavolume \
-d mysql
docker run --name known --volumes-from datavolume --link mysql:mysql -p 80:80 \
-d egoexpress/known
Enter the Known site address into your browser, and follow the instructions to create an account.
If you are running docker locally on your machine, you should be able to
access it at http://localhost/
. If you are running boot2docker, you
instead need to enter the local IP of your boot2docker virtual machine, which
you can find by running
boot2docker ip
To build the image locally, simply
docker build -t egoexpress/known .