
Very easy and simple REST API setup to get MyAnimeList data.

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Easy setup, Easy use, Easy life

Mal-Scraper-API is a very easy and simple REST API setup to get MyAnimeList.net data by using my Mal-Scraper as data parser.


  • Get general information of anime, manga, charater (from anime and manga), or people (voice actor, author, staff, etc)
  • Get additional information of anime or manga character and staff, statistic and score, or picture
  • Get list of anime or manga of selected studio/producer, magazine, or genre
  • Get list of all anime or manga genre, anime studio/producer or manga magazine
  • Get list of character and staff involved in an anime or manga
  • Get result of searching, anime, manga, character, people or user (pagination supported)
  • Get seasonal anime
  • Get list of top anime from various categories (all, airing, upcoming, etc) (pagination supported)
  • Get list of top manga from various categories (all, manga, novel, etc) (pagination supported)
  • Get list of most favorited character and people (pagination supported)
  • Get information of user profile, friends, history, and anime/manga list
  • Caching (using Simple-PHP-Cache library) (data cached for 1 day as default)
  • Return with HTTP response
  • (Bonus) Get all anime/manga cover from user list
  • (Another bonus) htaccess included for easier call

More will be coming soon...


  1. git clone https://github.com/rl404/MAL-Scraper-API.git
  2. cd MAL-Scraper-API
  3. composer install
  4. That's it.

With Docker

  1. git clone https://github.com/rl404/MAL-Scraper-API.git
  2. cd MAL-Scraper-API
  3. docker-compose up
  4. http://localhost:8000 is ready to use.


  • PHP 5.4+
  • rl404/mal-scraper >= 1.3.0


General Methods

  • Info - Get anime or manga general information.
    • HOST/info?t=anime&id=1
    • HOST/info?t=manga&id=1
  • Character - Get anime or manga character information.
    • HOST/character?id=1
  • People - Get person information.
    • HOST/people?id=1
  • Studio/Producer - Get studio or producer information.
    • HOST/studio-producer?id=1
    • HOST/studioproducer?id=1
  • Magazine - Get list of books published by the magazine.
    • HOST/magazine?id=1
  • Genre - Get list of anime or manga that has the genre.
    • HOST/genre?t=anime&id=1
    • HOST/genre?t=manga&id=1

Additional Methods

  • Character and Staff - Get complete list of characters and staffs involved in anime or manga.
    • HOST/character-staff?t=anime&id=1
    • HOST/characterstaff?t=manga&id=1
  • Statistics - Get detail statistics information of anime or manga.
    • HOST/stat?t=anime&id=1
    • HOST/stat?t=manga&id=1
  • Pictures - Get list of additional anime or manga pictures.
    • HOST/picture?t=anime&id=1
    • HOST/picture?t=manga&id=1
  • Character Pictures - Get list of additional character pictures.
    • HOST/character-picture?id=1
    • HOST/characterpicture?id=1
  • People Pictures - Get list of additional people pictures.
    • HOST/people-picture?id=1
    • HOST/peoplepicture?id=1

List Methods

  • All Anime Genre - Get list of all anime genre.
    • HOST/all-anime-genre
    • HOST/allanimegenre
  • All Manga Genre - Get list of all manga genre.
    • HOST/all-manga-genre
    • HOST/allmangagenre
  • All Studio and Producer - Get list of all studio and producer.
    • HOST/all-studio-producer
    • HOST/allstudioproducer
  • All Magazine - Get list of all magazine.
    • HOST/all-magazine
    • HOST/allmagazine

Search Methods

  • Search Anime - Get list of anime search result.
    • HOST/search-anime?q=clannad
    • HOST/searchanime?q=clannad
  • Search Manga - Get list of manga search result.
    • HOST/search-manga?q=berserk
    • HOST/searchmanga?q=berserk
  • Search Character - Get list of character search result.
    • HOST/search-character?q=luffy
    • HOST/searchcharacter?q=luffy
  • Search People - Get list of people search result.
    • HOST/search-people?q=hana
    • HOST/searchpeople?q=hana
  • Search User - Get list of user search result.
    • HOST/search-user?q=rl404
    • HOST/searchuser?q=rl404

Seasonal Methods

  • Season - Get list of anime of the season.
    • HOST/season
    • HOST/season?y=2018
    • HOST/season?s=spring
    • HOST/season?s=summer
    • HOST/season?s=winter
    • HOST/season?s=fall
    • HOST/season?s=spring&y=2017

Top List Methods

  • Top Anime - Get list of top anime.
    • HOST/top-anime
    • HOST/topanime
    • HOST/topanime?p=2
    • HOST/topanime?t=2
    • HOST/topanime?t=3&p=4
  • Top Manga - Get list of top manga.
    • HOST/top-manga
    • HOST/topmanga
    • HOST/topmanga?p=2
    • HOST/topmanga?t=2
    • HOST/topmanga?t=3&p=4
  • Top Character - Get list of most favorited character.
    • HOST/top-character
    • HOST/topcharacter
    • HOST/topcharacter?p=2
  • Top People - Get list of most favorited people.
    • HOST/top-people
    • HOST/toppeople
    • HOST/toppeople?p=2

User Methods

  • User - Get user profile information
    • HOST/user?u=rl404
  • User Friends - Get list of user's friends.
    • HOST/user-friend?u=r404
    • HOST/userfriend?u=rl404
  • User History - Get list of user's anime or manga update history.
    • HOST/user-history?u=rl404
    • HOST/userhistory?u=rl404&t=anime
    • HOST/userhistory?u=rl404&t=manga
  • User List - Get list of user's anime or manga.
    • HOST/user-list?u=rl404
    • HOST/userlist?u=rl404&t=anime
    • HOST/userlist?u=rl404&t=manga
    • HOST/userlist?u=rl404&st=1
    • HOST/userlist?u=rl404&t=manga&st=2
  • User List Cover - Get CSS file for anime or manga list cover. Please go here for more info. And don't forget to convert your style to url using this.
    • HOST/user-cover?u=rl404
    • HOST/usercover?u=rl404&t=manga
    • HOST/usercover?u=rl404&q=%23more%7Bid%7D+.borderRBL+div%7Bbackground-image%3Aurl%28%7Burl%7D%29%7D

For more information about the methods, params, and output, you can read the code by yourself (it should be easy to read and understand) or you can go to the wiki library.

Try it yourself

If you want to try, use mal-scraper.000webhostapp.com or mal-scraper.epizy.com/api as the host.


All data (including anime, manga, people, etc) and MyAnimeList logos belong to their respective copyrights owners. Mal-Scraper does not have any affliation with content providers.


MIT License

Copyright (c) rl404