
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clone this project

> git clone https://github.com/LitRHap/self-wa

Install the dependencies:

Before running the below command, make sure you're in the project directory that you've just cloned!!

> cd self-wa
> npm i


> node index.js


prefix = z


Sticker Creator Feature
Send Photo with Caption
Reply A Photo
Reply A Video or GIF
Send Video or GIF with Caption
Reply A Sticker ( sticker to image )
Other Feature
Get a random meme
Text to speech
Writing feature
What Anime Is This
Url2Img ( Screeenshot Web )
Group Feature
Tagall/Mentionall member
Kick Member Group
Add Member Group
Get List Admins Group
Owner Bot Feature
Set Prefix
Clear All Chats

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