
A Docker image with the Intel OpenCL 2.0 CPU Runtime 16.1.1 and OpenCL 2.0 header files. Images with header files from Intel and the Khronos Group are available.

This image has OCL_INC and OCL_LIB environment variables set to the OpenCL include and library directories, respectively. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is also set to include OCL_LIB.

Using from Docker Hub

For the Intel headers:

docker run -it cwpearson/opencl2.0-intel-cpu:latest bash -c clinfo

For the Khronos Group headers:

docker run -it cwpearson/opencl2.0-intel-cpu:khronos-headers bash -c clinfo

You should see a dump of information about the OpenCL capabilities of your system.

Building for Yourself

Depending on which Docker file you'd like to build.

docker build -t your_tag_here -f Dockerfile.intel_headers
docker build -t your_tag_here -f Dockerfile.khronos_headers