
Simple, pretty and powerful logger of Kotlin for android. 中文说明请点击==>

Primary LanguageKotlin



This project is a kotlin version of orhanobt's logger and inspiration by AnkoLogger, I just made some small changes and bring some small new features.

If your project is not integration with kotlin, I recommend you use orhanobut's logger

The first step is to include Pretty Logger into your project, for example, as a Gradle compile dependency:

  • Because of using jitpack.io, so we need add the jitpack.io repository in your root project gradle:
allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • and then add pretty logger dependency in your module gradle:
dependencies {
	        implemention 'com.github.wind0ws:prettylogger:x.y.z'

If your gradle version below 3.0, just replace implemention keyword to compile. Note: you need replace x.y.z to the correct version, you can find it on release page

All right, we are done for integration.


PrettyLogger need config at least once before use, you can config it at anywhere. generally speaking, we config it at Application onCreate

The simplest demo:

class App : Application(), PrettyLogger {

    override fun onCreate() {
        addAdapter(AndroidLogAdapter() )
        debug { "Hello World" }


If you want to custom output of log, such as TAG, stop output log in release build..., you can config FormatStrategy,for example:

class App : Application(), PrettyLogger {

    override fun onCreate() {
        initPrettyLogger ()

         debug { "Hello World" }

    private fun initPrettyLogger () {
         val prettyFormatStrategy = PrettyFormatStrategy.build {
                    showThreadInfo = false  // (Optional) Whether to show thread info or not. Default true
                    methodCount = 3         // (Optional) How many method line to show. Default 2
                    methodOffset = 0        // (Optional) Hides internal method calls up to offset. Default 0
        //            logStrategy = customLog // (Optional) Changes the log strategy to print out. Default LogCat
                    tag = "Threshold"   // (Optional) Global tag for every log. Default PRETTY_LOGGER

        addAdapter(object : AndroidLogAdapter(prettyFormatStrategy) {
            override fun isLoggable(priority: Int, tag: String?): Boolean {
                return BuildConfig.DEBUG && super.isLoggable(priority, tag)

Common Usage:

                info { "Info" }
                debug { "Debug" }
                error("error message", Throwable("Custom throwable info"))
                        .debugJson {
                            "{\n" +
                                    "    \"name\": \"Jane\", \n" +
                                    "    \"age\": 20\n" +
                debugXml {
                    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n" +
                            "<note>\n" +
                            "    <to>George</to>\n" +
                            "    <from>John</from>\n" +
                            "    <heading>Reminder</heading>\n" +
                            "    <body>Don't forget the meeting!</body>\n" +

                tag("DebugNullOnceOnlyTag").debug { null }
                info { null }
                debugXml { null }

                debug(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
                info(arrayListOf("hello", "world"))
                warn(mapOf(1 to "Beijing", 2 to "Shanghai", 3 to "Nanjing", 4 to "Chongqing"))
                verbose("{ \"key\": 3, \n \"value\": something}")
                error(booleanArrayOf(true, false, false, true))
                info { byteArrayOf(-128, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0xA, 0xB, 0xf, 16, 17, 127) }
                verbose(doubleArrayOf(1.20, 1.33, 1.55, 2.11))
                info(floatArrayOf(1.11f, 2.34f, 5.34f))
                warn(User("Jane", 25, "Beijing"))

Each method has two versions: plain and lazy

        info("String " + "concatenation")
        info { "String " + "concatenation" }

Lambda result will be calculated only if LogAdapter.isLoggable(Log.INFO, tag) is true.

Want demo?

See app module in this repo.