
Simple android upload/download libarary. 中文说明==>

Primary LanguageKotlin



RxUpDownloader use RxJava2+Retrofit2+OkHttp3 to download/upload files through IntentService. It also support progress callback, task status and cancel task manually. It is very easy to use.

The first step is to include RxUpDownloader into your project, for example, as a Gradle compile dependency:

  • Because of using jitpack.io, so we need add the jitpack.io repository in your root project gradle:
allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • and then add rxupdownloader dependency into your module gradle:
dependencies {
	        implemention 'com.github.wind0ws:rxupdownloader:x.y.z'

If your gradle version below 3.0, just replace implemention keyword to compile. Note: you need replace x.y.z to the correct version, you can find it on release page

All right, we are done for integration.


RxUpDownloader need add UpDownService to your manifest.xml, because we use this service for download/upload files. Here is a example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <!-- we need permission to read/write external storage and internet access -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


        <!-- Here is our service for download/upload files -->
        <service android:name="com.threshold.updownloader.UpDownService"/>

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />



Note: Start from android 6.0, android add runtime permissions, this library need write external storage, so you should request and get WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission before upload/download files.

Now we have ability to upload/download files:

  • Download files:
  • Upload files:

Parameter value "1001" and "1002" is taskId(you can use whatever integer as you want), which you can get task disposable by UpDownService.getTaskDisposable(taskId), and you can use this disposable to cancel task. All download/upload task will execute at background thread.

Listen upload/download status:

We use RxBus2 for emit/listen progress/succeed/failed event.

Here is a example:

                .filter {
                    //   it.taskId == 1002
                    it.type == UpDownEvent.Type.DOWNLOAD
                .subscribe {
                    when (it) {
                        is UpDownProgressEvent -> {
                            info { "Current progress: ${it.percent}" }
                        is UpDownSucceedEvent -> debug { "Download succeed: $it" }
                        is UpDownFailedEvent -> debug { "Download failed: $it" }

Note: progress is not always usable: It depend on your server. If your server return content-type is application/octet-stream, we can't get length of content, so we can't calculate percentage of current progress. The default content length is -1, so if you find percentage below ZERO, that means this percentage of progress is not reliable, you shouldn't use it. Usually, percentage of progress range is 0~100. UpDownSucceedEvent UpDownFailedEvent event is always reliable.

  • UpDownSucceedEvent means upload/download task succeed.
  • UpDownFailedEvent means upload/download task failed.

Want demo?

See app module in this repo.

If you have any question, run app module first before ask, that demo might help you. Any useful pull-request are welcome!