This library is used to bypass anti-bot pages using puppeteer
npm install puppeteer-bypass
A recent version of Chromium is downloaded by default. If you want to skip the download, see puppeteer Environment Variables.
const { goto } = require("puppeteer-bypass");
const url = "";
goto(url).then((results) => {
body: '<html>...',
cookies: [
name: '__cfduid',
value: 'd440de0b8ea4bc1c385d9d1b0aa5783a21591180642',
name: 'cf_clearance',
value: '3b0f56e475593fa3609fcbddfcfc01ae64b1a7cd-1591180642-0-150',
cookieStr: '...__cfduid=d440de0b8ea4bc1c385d9d1b0aa5783a21591180642; shopper=2e7e9b0a-272b-488f-a524-70879ecd681a; _fbp=fb.1.1591180646395.968143681; _gid=GA1.2.1784742894.1591180646; ASP.NET_SessionId=x5z0lslke3or0i2otjhzeoxf; _culture=sv; cf_clearance=3b0f56e475593fa3609fcbddfcfc01ae64b1a7cd-1591180642-0-150'
const { goto } = require("puppeteer-bypass");
const url = "";
goto(url, {
//---- default options
launchOptions: { devtools: true }, // options for puppeteer.lauch()
gotoOptions: { timeout: 30000, waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" }, // options for page.goto()
useStealthPlugin: true, // enabled by default
cloudflareMark: "cf-browser-verification",
// call cloudflareHandler() if response's body contains this mark.
//---- custom options
cloudflareHandler: (page) => page.waitForSelector("#main-wrapper"),
// default handler is calling page.waitForNavigation()
// change to your custom handler for quicker bypassing
// hook function before calling page.goto(url)
beforeGotoHook: (page, browser) => {
page.setUserAgent('Elephant 1.0')
page.on("response", (res) => {
if (
res.url().startsWith("") &&
res.status() === 200