
A Svelte Preprocessor to compile windicss at build time.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ Windi CSS is Sunsetting ⚠️
We are sunsetting Windi CSS and we recommend new projects to seek for alternatives. Read the full blog post.


A svelte preprocessor for windicss. Windi CSS is a next generation utility-first CSS framework.

If you are already familiar with Tailwind CSS, think about Windi CSS as an on-demanded alternative to Tailwind, which provides faster load times, fully compatible with Tailwind v2.0 and with a bunch of additional cool features.


Now we have a great Windi CSS playground, you can try it online

npm i -D svelte-windicss-preprocess

Integrations & Configuration

see our guides in our windi css docs
