- 0
Class xl:w-[calc(50%-(140px/2))] does not work
#119 opened by einar-hjortdal - 0
Devtools not working Webpack 5.74
#118 opened by einar-hjortdal - 4
- 0
- 9
- 1
Conflicts with htmlWebpackPlugin in building process when using template literals
#126 opened by evanryuu - 0
- 0
Vue3-storybook example not works at all
#124 opened by zjhiphop - 0
scoped style compile error in .vue file
#123 opened by keuby - 1
Break React.Context in production build
#122 opened by lianghx-319 - 1
default fontFamily change not working
#120 opened by einar-hjortdal - 5
- 1
Devtools issue on webpack integration
#115 opened by Jimmy-JS - 4
My change of class name does not take effect in umijs and needs to be restarted to take effect.
#107 opened by SuperHuangXu - 6
can't use mfsu
#92 opened by transtone - 4
why example run has error?
#113 opened by jetBn - 1
Optional chaining (?.) in dist/plugin.cjs makes build project crash while in Node.js version lower than 14
#112 opened by xliez - 1
- 1
types: default exports doesn't work in commonjs
#99 opened by oyzhen - 3
- 2
Error when use extractors on windi config
#109 opened by karyanayandi - 1
Next.js not working
#106 opened by bfourgeaud - 3
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '?' in next
#96 opened by HopperDai - 2
vue sfc custom block error
#103 opened by imshenshen - 1
@layer The command does not work
#104 opened by viarotel - 1
Support for Angular projects
#105 opened by anwarulislam - 3
Template files are not watched
#76 opened by cah4a - 1
- 4
- 0
Build problem with Next 12 on Vercel
#97 opened by antoninbeaufort - 2
Module not found: Can't resolve 'windi.css'
#87 opened by lzm0x219 - 2
h-[calc(100% - 2rem)] don't work in umijs
#77 opened by LanJamRom - 5
- 2
HMR for NextJS failed on windi.config.js change
#91 opened by donrsh - 2
Lodash is Used but is Not a Dependency
#90 opened by philippstucki - 5
Importing external css breaks the build
#71 opened by razbakov - 2
- 6
[NextJS] Page WindiCSS being removed on next page build if any change occurred in `next dev`
#86 opened by rlaphoenix - 7
Build Next example failed
#85 opened by ModyQyW - 10
- 2
- 1
windicss-webpack-plugin + storybook, how to use?
#79 opened by Fl0pZz - 1
The new version makes hmr slow
#75 opened by rain0002009 - 0
- 2
how to use it in umijs?
#63 opened by LanJamRom - 1
- 1
Nuxt Content v2.13.0 Seems to hang when trying to load the config file path
#42 opened by JessicaSachs - 2
Next.js example doesn't work
#65 opened by steakscience - 3
Doesn't work with Next.js styled jsx
#15 opened by nblthree - 1
Cannot read property '~' of undefined
#35 opened by dacodekid