
Download discord media attachments using requests.

Primary LanguagePython

Discord Media Downloader

A python script that downloads media attachments from Discord server channels and direct messages.


Selfbots are against discords ToS and your account may be banned from using this application. You use this application at your own risk. I will not be held responsible for using this application.

Getting Started

To get started, you will need to find your Discord Auth token. DO NOT share this token with anyone! DO NOT include your token when making a bug report! Anyone with this token can access your account.


python discord_dl --token TOKEN [OPTIONS] channel_id [channel_id ...]

Options Needs Updating...

--token                 Your Discord Auth token, DO NOT SHARE IT
--verbose               Set logging level to DEBUG
--quiet                 Set logging level to WARNING
--file                  File containing channel ids to download, one channel id per line. Lines starting with "#" are considered as comments and ignored
--path                  The path where files will be downloaded to. Path must exist and can not use format variables
--channel-format        The format that attachments from server channels will be downloaded with
--dm-format             The format that attachments from direct messages will be downloaded with
--max-retries           The maximum number of times to attempt to download an attachment, Default is 10
--sleep                 How long to sleep downloading attachments and retrieving messages, Default is 0
--sleep-random          Set a random range from A to B to sleep in between downloading attachments and retrieving messages, If using --sleep the random time will be added on
--restrict-filenames    Restrict filenames to only ASCII characters and remove spaces
--windows-filenames     Force filenames to be Windows-compatible, filenames are Windows-compatible when using Windows
--message-count         Only download attachments from the last # messages
--user-id               Only download attachments from messages posted by this user id(s)
--username              Only download attachments from messages posted by this username(s) (Usernames are not unique! Usernames do not contain the #0000)
--date                  Only download attachments from messages posted on this date.
--date-before           Only download attachments from messages posted before this date.
--date-after            Only download attachments from messages posted after this date.

Allowed Channel IDs

CHANEL_ID will be a string of only numbers.

ID based:


URL based (server channel):


URL based (direct message):


Format Options

General Options

  • {id} The attachment id
  • {filename} The attachment file name
  • {ext} The attachment file extension
  • {date} The message post date. strftime()-style formatting options are supported.
  • {channel_id} The channel id
  • {username} The username of the message author
  • {user_id} The id of the message author

Sever Channel Specific Options

  • {channel_name} The name of the channel
  • {channel_topic} The channel topic
  • {server_id} The server id
  • {server_name} The server name
  • {server_owner_id} The id of th owner of the server


--channel-format "{date:%Y-%m-%d}_{id}_{filename}.{ext}"
--dm-format "{date:%Y-%m-%d}_{id}_{filename}.{ext}"


To download all attachments from a single channel, run the following command:

python discord_dl.py --token YOUR_TOKEN --path "/path/to/download/folder" "channel_id"

To download attachments from multiple channels, run the following command:

python discord_dl.py --token YOUR_TOKEN --path "/path/to/download/folder" "channel_id_1" "channel_id_2" "channel_id_3"

To download attachments from a channel posted by a specific user, run the following command:

python discord_dl.py --token YOUR_TOKEN --path "/path/to/download/folder" --user-id "USER_ID" "channel_id"

To download attachments from a channel posted by multiple specific users, run the following command:

python discord_dl.py --token YOUR_TOKEN --path "/path/to/download/folder" --user-id "USER_ID_1,USER_ID_2,USER_ID_3" "channel_id"

To download attachments from a direct message with a URL, run the following command:

python discord_dl.py --token YOUR_TOKEN --path "/path/to/download/folder" "https://discord.com/channels/@me/channel_id"

To download attachments from a channel posted within a specific date range, run the following command:

python discord_dl.py --token YOUR_TOKEN --path "/path/to/download/folder" --date-after 2020-01-01 --date-before 2020-12-31 "channel_id"


This probably breaks Discords terms of service and you might get banned etc ...
Use and alt account? 🤷‍♂️